[hider=The Lord of Rot] [center][color=007236][b]Name:[/b][/color] Raspadel [color=007236][b]Primordial or Conceptual:[/b][/color] Primordial [color=007236][b]Domain:[/b][/color] Pestilence. Although in this context, pestilence is not just disease, but the more malignant aspects of nature in general. Where there is life, there must be death, and Raspadel commands the natural transition between the two states. To this end, Raspadel holds power over decay, poison, disease, rot, mould, and many other unpleasant and disgusting things. He may create new diseases or poisons, and alleviate or worsen their symptoms, and he may speed or slow the natural process of decay on organic matter. Lastly, he holds more influence over those who are sick or dying, capable of manipulating their minds or granting them pestilence-related abilities. [color=007236][b]Portfolio:[/b][/color] Decay. All things degrade over time, and this natural phenomenon is what Raspadel holds power over. He can make mortals age more quickly, and can reduce corpses into a pile of bones and fertilizer within mere seconds. He may also slow these processes, but he cannot reverse them or halt them entirely - nor would he ever want to. His power over decay also extends to non-organic matter. He can make stone crumble, or force metal to rust. However, this aspect of his Portfolio is not supported by his Domain. [color=007236][b]Realm:[/b][/color] The Wasteland. A series of lush, but deadly ecosystems can be found at its edges; poisonous jungles, mushroom forests, and dreary swamps. It is in one of these locations that a visitor will first appear. If they venture further inland, they will find a vast landscape of rolling plains and hills, made from mud, fungus, and moss. At the center of the Wasteland is a lake of acidic green slime, with an island of dead trees and barren soil in the middle. The entire Realm reeks of sickness and decay, with fungal spores and bacteria clinging to the very air itself. From time to time, it also receives storms of acid rain. When the night sky isn’t obscured by clouds or fog, Galbar can be seen above, though it is unknown if it is an illusion or the real thing. Even the gods begin to feel sick and nauseous after prolonged exposure. For mortals, the only way to survive this realm is to have either the protection of a god, or to already be afflicted with some sort of ailment [i]before[/i] they enter, in which case they are rendered inexplicably immune to the realm’s acid and various diseases. This does not protect them from other hazards, however. The vast majority of the Wasteland’s ‘flora’ is poisonous, and the fauna is as ferocious as it is disgusting. [color=007236][b]Persona:[/b][/color] Despite the repulsiveness of himself and his creations, Raspadel has a kind heart. He considers everything he creates and all those who are afflicted by sickness to be his children, and he loves them all. Yet he does not mourn their deaths, for all things die, but he will do what he can to make the passing of those who have already come to terms with their fate comfortable, and he is extremely defensive against any who would attack or persecute them. Meanwhile, he has little other than apathy toward the strong and the healthy. He does not loathe them, but he sees it as his duty to keep their population in check, and he does not pity them because their life is already pretty good as is. If someone is strong and healthy, then they already have far more advantages than many others, so he is merely knocking them down a peg. Not all of his afflictions are fatal, after all, and even the lethal ones can be survived. [color=007236][b]Base Form:[/b][/color] Raspadel's Base Form is that of a seven foot tall man clad in slightly faded green robes, spotted with mud. He carries a walking stick, yet he walks perfectly fine, and his posture is flawless. The hood obscures his face with an unnatural shadow, but a single horn protrudes and curves upward from his forehead. [color=007236][b]Domain Form:[/b][/color] Raspadel’s Domain Form is that of a cute green tree frog, roughly the size of a human hand, with bright red eyes and an equally red underside. A single spiked horn juts from his forehead. If threatened, he can emit a noxious gas that is toxic even to the gods. [color=007236][b]Avatar:[/b][/color] Raspadel’s Avatar is named Maladia. She takes the form of a six foot tall woman with sickly green skin, long white hair, yellow eyes, and a single horn protruding from her forehead. At will, she may grow a pair of moth wings, allowing her to gracefully glide through the air. She has a smooth, pleasant sounding voice. Maladia also possesses a fit and shapely figure, with both skin and hair as smooth as silk. At a distance, there is no doubt that she is highly attractive. At a distance. Maladia’s eyes are bloodshot. Her teeth, although full and undamaged, are a sickly yellow. Her veins are of similar yellowness to her eyes and teeth, and she bleeds a foul pus which carries a dozen different diseases within. Her moth wings, although perfectly functional, are frayed and spotted with small holes. Grass withers and dies under her bare feet, and to the healthy, she emits a rancid odour similar to that of a skunk. Yet to those who are sick, poisoned, or dying, she emits a very different scent - one that is pleasant and soothing. Nobody is certain what it is, for it varies from person to person. It is similar to their favourite smell, but never identical. Meanwhile, her voice takes on an alluring, almost sirenic quality which might even be strong enough to banish whatever fears they have of her unusual appearance. To the suffering and the dying, she can be a source of much-needed comfort.[/center] [/hider]