[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XqyQRkV.png[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/696e677b7638ed105f875c36b737b16d/tumblr_inline_o3x9w0pYby1qlt39u_250.gifv[/img][hr][/center] [color=lightgray]Carrying onto class as originally planned, Nicole was relieved that she had avoided a rather catastrophic incident in the life of Ms. Nicole Monica Milano. How would she ever live down having the [i]wrong binder[/i] and not have her English binder in class? Just thinking about it made her sick to her stomach, and she was so glad that she had avoided such an incident. Nicole was in her own little bubble right now, and she was pretty content and happy with herself right now. Life was good. She had the right binder, the right mindset, hell her outfit was feeling itself now. There was no stopping Nicole. Nicole was gingerly making her way to class, looking but not [i]really[/i] looking at people. A lot of these faces blended together for her was there were quite a bit of people at this school. Not much to fault her for, Nicole didn't exactly have the mental capacity to process so many faces and attach names to them. She didn't have time to, either. However, there were also quite a few faces that she would recognize almost immediately. Some people she regularly talked to, and the others she just talked to once or twice in a blue moon and and accidentally remembered their name and face. This upcoming face, however, was not going to be one that Nicole was ever going to miss. She'd rather die than forget this face and not recognize one of the coolest people to ever grace the face of this planet. [color=C9FFE5]"Sunshine! Girl, oh my god! Where ya been? I've missed you so much!"[/color] Nicole smiled, pulling a hand from underneath her binder to wave hi to one of her cheer homies.[/color]