[sub][indent][i][h3][color=d8cfbe]𝔼nidad[/color][/h3][/i][/indent][/sub][hr] Laius stared at the fading yellow bulb of a honeyglow, admiring the intricate veins crisscrossing its petals. The year had been unusually warm, so even past the winter solstice, some flowers were still in bloom. He picked up his watering can and sprinkled some water on the earth. [color=d8cfbe]“Good work, Laius. You’ve done a great job of caring for these all year.”[/color] He finished watering and set the can down, then stood and turned. It was Cormack Elstadt, leader of the Holy Knights of Croan, and Laius’s direct superior. Laius gave a deep bow, his dark hair hanging only centimeters above the ground. [color=d6ecef]“Thank you, sir. I only wish I could be as successful in my knightly endeavors,”[/color] he said, still bowed. [color=d8cfbe]“Ah, raise your head. We’ll make a knight out of you yet- and stop being so damn formal! A kid like you ought to be more excited, though I s’pose it’s better than how Ferris treats me.”[/color] Laius rose to attention. [color=d6ecef]“Yes, sir.”[/color] Cormack’s broad shoulders drooped a bit. Laius couldn’t see the Bishop’s expression under his helm, but everything else about him communicated a feeling of exasperated acceptance. [color=d8cfbe]“Well, I s’pose this respect’s better than none. Speaking of no respect, where’s Ferris?”[/color] Laius thought back to the night before, in the tavern, with the oddly-dressed women. [color=d6ecef]“Erm, Sir Ferris is likely in his room. He went directly back after spending some ‘alone time,’ though I don’t think he was actually alone.”[/color] He looked up and shaded his eyes with a hand. The sun shone nearly directly overhead. [color=d6ecef]“Sir Ferris is likely awake, but on off-days he usually dislikes leaving his room until evening.”[/color] Cormack sighed. It was a deep, hearty sigh, one that echoes through armor and bone and resonates with the listener to the point that they themselves feel melancholic afterwards. Sir Elstadt was a renowned sigh-er. [color=d8cfbe]“Well, I’ll just have to go and get him. Walk with me, Laius.” [/color]Cormack turned and beckoned for Laius to follow. [color=d6ecef]“Yessir!”[/color] Laius fell into step next to the massive suit of armor, feeling rather out of place. He always had to take at least two steps for every one of Cormack’s, and it ruined his dedicated marching practice. Walking next to Ferris was much more comfortable, since he tended to take small steps at a slow pace to allow Laius to keep up. [color=d8cfbe]“How is the search for the seraphim going?” [/color]Cormack asked. [color=d6ecef]“Ah, uhm, not very well, sir. We checked the three Fanciful Stores as well as the Grey Canyon- nothing. No signs of any odd activity. Sir Ferris says it’s all a wild goose chase.”[/color] Cormack snorted. [color=d8cfbe]“That’s one thing he’s right about. Frankly, I don’t know why Her Majesty is having us look in the first place.”[/color] He watched Laius’s jaw drop and shrugged. [color=d8cfbe]“Don’t tell anyone I said that.”[/color] Laius shook his head furiously and nearly crashed into Cormack as the Captain stopped at Ferris’s door. Cormack banged his fist on the wooden door. [color=d8cfbe]“Ferris! Open up!”[/color] [color=fada5e]“Coming!”[/color] came a muffled voice. There was the sound of scuffling as well as some hushed talking, and then the door opened a smidgen. Laius could barely make out some tufts of blond hair through the small crack. [color=fada5e]“Oh! Cormack! What’s going on?”[/color] Ferris opened the door further, revealing his shirtless form and… was that a [i]skirt?[/i] He was holding it up with one hand, blocking the view of his privates. [color=fada5e]“Don’t worry, I just couldn’t find my clothes. You don’t have to come in.”[/color] Laius didn’t [i]want to go in.[/i] It was incredibly messy, first of all, with various knickknacks scattered across the room. He spotted a form dart behind the bed, barely showing a heap of dark hair and plenty of skin in the process. Also, the room smelled slightly of… of… He blushed and averted his eyes. Cormack didn’t seem to react. He pulled out several letters from a pocket and handed them to Ferris, who accepted them with his free hand. [color=fada5e]“What’re these?”[/color] [color=d8cfbe]“Queen’s orders. Head to Pachel and confirm an endorsement, and then investigate the small town of Taft. More details in the white envelope.”[/color] [color=fada5e]“Finally, a real mission. Who’s coming?”[/color] [color=d8cfbe]“You, Laius, and Ceadda. Money’s in the brown envelope.”[/color] [color=fada5e]“When?”[/color] [color=d8cfbe]“As soon as possible.”[/color] [color=fada5e]“Alright, give me… two hours. I have to finish something real quick.”[/color] Ferris winked at Laius. [color=fada5e]“I’ll see you at the entrance to the grounds.”[/color] He closed the door. Laius heard Ferris say something, and then a high, bubbly giggle sounded through the wood. Cormack sighed again. [color=d8cfbe]“That man will be the death of me. Shame how he’s basically a third of our force right now. Come on, let’s get Ceadda up to speed.”[/color] [@Cu Chulainn] [hr] [i]Captain Elliot Holdt, Because of your exemplary performance and foreseen potential, we have decided to transfer you to a new division within the force at Fort Braemur. While this transfer is not top-secret, we expect you to hold a certain sort of secrecy as to the activities you will be undertaking. The name of the program is Project Plover. Its goal is to develop tighter relations between the Engineer Corps and the Infantry Corps in preparation for further conflict. This promotion to Project Plover is secret, and as such you will still be a captain in rank. We expect you to continue to serve the Corps will the same devotion and tenacity that you have displayed before. You will attend a meeting in room B204 at 900 on the 24th of Anais to discuss this further. Be prompt. Good Luck, -General Felt[/i] [@banjoanjo] [hr] [i]Erika Sid, Thank you for accepting our offer for employment. The Kothlin Infantry Corps is glad to have you as a participant within its new program, Project Plover. We’ve reviewed your past work and are delighted to see your numerous innovations within mechanical engineering and body modifications. Your job will be to assist the Kothlin Infantry Corps by helping power suit users connect with their systems in all manners. We wish for each power suit user to understand their equipment fully- we want them to be able to disassemble and reassemble their equipment blindfolded. We want them to be able to comprehend the specific mechanics of each of the suit’s functions. From your past experience with body-mechanics integration, we feel you will be able to do this incredibly well. You will be assigned a partner in a trial run of the program, and accompany them throughout their field missions. You will not need to see direct combat, but it may be of use to your experience to understand field conditions fully. Please visit Fort Braemur on the 24th of Anais to receive further detail. You will meet with your partner and overseer in room B204 at 900. -General Felt[/i] [@GreenGoat]