[@DClassified] 1) Gaining his power from Fear is how his ring gains power, but it can be stored, hence why Sinestro can fight Hal, despite Hal having no fear of Sinestro. Fear is his power and whereas fighting an opponent that's afraid of him is going to help his power a lot, he's not powerless against people who're unafraid of him. 2) The only lanterns that are always evil are the Black Lanterns and that's because Black Lantern Prime is in direct control of all of them and Prime is always an evil person. Arkillo and Soranik are Yellow Lanterns that are relatively good people. Hell, currently, Arkillo is one of Guy Gardiners closest friends, [url=https://comicnewbies.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/darkstar-guy-gardner-vs-arkillo-4.jpg]he's the one who managed to pull him back from the brink when the Darkstar took him and he was about to kill his deadbeat father.[/url] They have recently been pushing this idea that "It's not the emotion, it's how you harness it." Sinestro was a Green Lantern, but he chose to harness his will to rule the universe. [url=https://pm1.narvii.com/6137/56852ae37ac64dff9ca3a772d3e4cfc05d276845_00.jpg]Dex-Starr[/url] is a Red Lantern who's Rage flows from his owner being murdered by people, who then bundled him into a bag and threw him off the Brooklyn Bridge. Dex's Rage doesn't flow from evil places. Star Sapphires always seems to be a combination of Good and Evil. Indigo's are all about Compassion and they will straight up murder depressed people because they see it as "Releasing you from your suffering" 3) Sinestro's plan was "Gather up one of each of the other 6 rings, go to Earth, pose as a hero whilst the rings choose hosts, trick Mongul into attacking and trick the hosts into pouring their power into him to unlock the White Lantern power. Then, use that power to fuck Mongul and the others and make off with the White Lantern power and Warworld and become the undisputed king of the universe." Sinestro didn't give him the power, he simply capitalized off of the Green ring choosing him. So, after he succeeded, after he got the White ring, Martins Green ring abandoned him and he was stood there with nothing, Sinestro looked down at the kid and for just a moment, the thought occurred to him. "Oh christ... I have literally all of the power and he has literally none and he still isn't even slightly afraid of me. With that kind of will, if he gets his hands on any kind of power, he could defeat me even now..." But that moment immediately gave way to "Oh wait, i've got the ultimate power in the universe, he is a bug. Plus, i kinda like the squirt, his life is the least i can leave him with after helping me get here." Sinestro isn't a wanton murderer. He is just completely convinced that the universe would be better if he ruled with an iron fist. Anyway, y'all have a good RP.