[img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/0/03/Byss_EotECR.png/revision/latest?cb=20170222012639[/img] [i][i]Byss[/i][/i] [b]"Tash my friend I do wish you would focus more on results over your lack of...reproductive faculties. Do you have any idea how many lives I’ve spent for just one sample?" [/b]- Darth Sidious 15BBY Outside a dilapidated Medical facility on the otherwise bustling and secretive planet a Sleek but also alien fighter landed above the facility and two cloaked figures descended from it. Both were concealed in a metallic armor obscuring their faces. Silently the Leader of the duo, a figure whose form was feminine whose face was obscured in a mask of fearsome countenance broke the roofs door open with a single hand. The two quietly descended into the facility coming across Arkanian Doctors as facility staff alongside Crimson Clad Stormtroopers not unlike the ones Isard had command over. Through the once polished synthmarble walls, the pair would begin to make out twisting pipes which ran from a line in the ceiling downward, connecting to the walls forming cracks in what would have been flawless marble “grown” to fit as wall panels between windows and doors long barred. Doors which had long been welded shut with only the feeding ports and waste disposal droid openings free, in most. In others it had been as though the people in the facility frantically sealed them shut. Some, had been sealed several years before others. Faint, brown markings that might have been blood spatter from long ago could be seen below layers and layers of dust and filth. An Arkanian doctor, or what might have been a researcher from one of their most prestigious bioengineering firms wandered about the halls babbling and twitching, rubbing his index and middle fingers against this thumb and occasionally barking. His eyes were torn out, replaced with inverted optic sensors, which replayed the interior of his skull in a small high dimensional image, broadcasting at nothing. He ambled around covered in his own waste, gaunt, dehydrated and clearly starving. Another doctor, the corpse a female, who had five fingers and the trademark (literally in that their genetic code had been patented by Arkanian tens of thousands of years ago for all the good it did) violet eyes of house Janus lay in a corner, a bunch of stim packs with weapons grade hallucinogenic chemical labels law strewn about her corpse. The only indication of her being of an extremely minor branch of that family besides her presence in this place of horrors was her dark hair. Something groaned behind her, it was the face of what might have been a wookie before whatever mishap of bioengineering led his body to press into the wall and begin to grow root like barnacles that slowly fused his entire being with the synth marble. Cream yellow ichor leaked out of its mouth as it’s life force finally ebbed. The female might have felt a desperate psychic cry from a vat containing a thick gray liquid with a label above that said “failure”, in another time, in another place the mere existence of this substance would have resulted in the base delta zero of Byss and any world near it. Now? All it emitted was shame, terror, pain, confusion, grief, guilt and self hatred. It was crippled, it was violated, it was the last of its kind And it begged for death. Further down the hallway, what might have been a hutt Gen’Dai hybrid if such a thing were possible merely screamed at a wall its voice was a chorus of Massasi children, their faces rippled in its flesh. Another doctor was cradling a Sarlac infant, which was fused to its spine, both were somehow calcified and fused to a Netti which merely lulled its head from side to side groaning incoherently. “We need to leave this place! Doctor Sarkon! I beg you!” The voice came from a human female, she looked utterly ragged. “I was sent here to evacuate you..not watch you people waste away holding that...thing” “We can’t! Our fusion bombs meant for self destruct were cannibalized by our project head when he did the..”the Arkanian shuddered “the..with the...Mg’na...oooh force, fooorrce” he broke into tears sobbing while another one of the doctors began to rock back and forth in her chair, banging her head against the transparasteel behind her “We’re stuck...have to stay..cannot get out..cannot let him get out..” “Who?!” she snapped “I came here because Director Isard needed answers on a paper your warden and chief scientist was working on. She needs it, as a weapon against some force user” “NO..NONONONONONONONOONONONONONONONONOONONONONO” sobbed the male and the woman shook her head grabbing him by the shoulders “FOCUS ARKANIAN SWINE! YOU’RE SCIENTISTS...You’re entire kriffing race is..WHERE IS YOUR PROJECT HEAD” “In Cell block D….below” She blinked “You locked him up? You kriffing traitor?!” “You don’t understand! You can’t understand...Look at the horrors around you!!” he wailed “Twenty eight thousand years of Arkanian science, butchers they called us, artifice of atrocity they called out work! I’ve done it, experimented on babies, infected sentients with plagues to learn where their immune systems failed..but, but nothing I’ve done...compares..force..no..YOU CANNOT LET HIM OUT..YOU CANNOT LET HIM OUT, DON’T YOU SEE?! HE’LL DOOM US ALL!” “That is precisely why he is needed.” The mysterious female said as she and her fellow Black Armored associate materialized as if out of thin air. The woman and the Guard seemed entranced as the two armored figures gestured their hands in their direction. “You will show us where the project head is and unlock him and then you will forget we were present.” “Let me show you where the project head is.” “I will forget I ever saw you” “Master are you sure it's wise to unleash such a..being on the galaxy at large?” The Man in the armor questioned innocently betraying his fearsome appearance. “Flint what I felt from that Jedi was different from that of even Vader and the Emperor, what I felt from her It was the same chill I felt when I first gazed upon the Valley of Dark Lords and listened to the infinite hatred of the Sith that came before, it was the same chill I felt when I walked upon the frozen wastes of Ziost. That woman...that creature is an abomination, there is no other way to oppose it but with another Abomination my apprentice.” The Woman replied, her vocabulator gave off a mechanical and emotionless energy to her voice but behind it pure hatred could be discerned from the tone. As they shuffled through the place which had once been the Byss Academy of Sciences, now standing as a ruin on a world poisoned by the dark side and turned into a ruin by madness the mind slaved guard and Doctor Sarkon shed tears, even through the might of the female’s compulsion something, enough perhaps of them remained to plead and whimper and mourn. To either side of the four souls who walked along the darker paths of this, place in horror. Seals remained opened, the contents within rotting, or descated. Some still lived, humans with their mouths sewn shut, their eyes ripped out and replaced with Coruscant Barnacle slugs which had would have appeared to be “feeding” off the force, as their parent species might the nutrients in the piping and walls of the underworld of Coruscant. They were sustaining these poor wretches who might have once been Jedi of the service corps, who tried to move mouths but could only sway in a breeze that only existed in the perceptions of the creatures who’d fused to their spine and kept them alive so that they’d have a living anchor. “Experiment in creating non technological prosthetic eyes” the label above one read “failure” the other read. In another room, what looked like a Hutt that has grown and stretched and wrapped its upper body into a corkscrew like pattern whereupon its spiral like mouth opened and an immense flower bloomed out began to change its floral patterns which shimmered in the dark. The force radiated around it, but couldn’t touch it, it made some hissing noise as they moved on. A baby screamed in a room which was sealed by transparasteel, the child was made entirely of mandalorian iron, its flesh twisted and mishappen but perhaps the worst experiments yet were below. “What we’re about to show you” breathed Doctor Sarkon, fighting through his programming desperately to warn them “is the extent of Sith heresy”. Doors swung open and they slid through a turbo lift whose shaft was no longer purely metallic, but a sort of odd techno-organic orifice with honey combed ulcers. As the elevator descended, the shaft shuddered as air was taken in and released upon landing in an unnatural cry of agony that sounded like an industrial press going to work on living nerfs. The doors of the lift opened, revealing a grand hall that had once been the academy’s ballroom. In the faint green glow, bacta tank like constructs could be seen rising out of the ground like pillars to connect to preservation devices on the roof. One of them was a teen, a human female, her dress and fabric suggested she was a slave on one of the most prosperous worlds in the outer rim (Prosperous by their backwater standards anyway), her clothing was nearly a century out of date and her face, which might have been pretty was contorted in agony, her torso which bore the signs of pregnancy was torn open from the inside and the infant, breached, floated in the preservatives, itts pelvis and legs tapering off into an odd, amoeba like root which fused to the spine. Another was the infant alone, only half its body was human, the other half globular and cell like, its organs had sloughed out, its trifaces contorted in agony. A boy floated in another, three eyes on his forehead, three more on the back of his head and a mouth at the neck contorted in a scream. A malformed giant curled up with a collapsed skull in another and a boy with an odd camel like face contorted in rage, his back was bent and his spine protrude, this corpse at least felt force sensitive. Another, was the body of a young woman with tanned skin and brown eyes, eyes that any who knew Lord Vader as Anakin Skywalker would have recognized. Whether this was the true Shmi Skywalker and the other was a clone, or this was a close experiment on to determine the viability of her as a vessel was a mystery that would never be solved. At the dead center of the grand ballroom was an immense cell with several floors, encircled in transparesteel, a hissing, gasping, wheezing voice sang a tune about how sweet it would be to quench a thirst, how marvelous science was and something about a deep fried lord of the Sith with “burn face”. It was a rat like-bird like, oddly reptilian monstrosity, wearing a mottled lab coat concealing a pair of atrophied arms where its breasts would be had it been female. Long, lanky claws reached out to wipe slobber from a long, lizard like snout that had a ridge of spikes rising from the tip of the nose and stopping below the eyes. One of its eyes had been replaced with some kind of incredibly advanced cybernetic implant of its own making, with a shining multi lense “eye” which was made out of kybur crystal. A hose connected below his breast bone to his internal organs pumped black pudding like blood through a series of filtration devices and into his neck feeding blood to a skull that contained a multi hemispherical brain protected by hardened bone, reptilian scales and a head crest of faded, mottled feathers, its spine which was partially exposed to air contained “microskulls” where secondary and tertiary, smaller brains enhanced cognitive function. The creature let out a low wheeze then whipped its head towards the four sentients. “Aaaaaaahhh!!! Doctor Sarkon! You have come! Gracious of you to come..hrmmm..yesss” its voice was at once a gutteral rasp and yet screechy as though two or three sets of deformed vocal cords spoke at once. “Have you brought the Zabrak infants?!” the creature paused, its head craned like a bird attempting to process a thing it hadn’t seen before and then as if recognition it made a hissing, chirping sound. “AAAaahhhhhahaha...CRIPPLED, MENTALLY RETARDED, BURNED BABY BROTHER’S PROSTITUTE RETURNS!!!!” it leaped to its feet. “Shira Brie!....Oh how how Tash has missed you!” The Doctor; it seemed, was finally back in!