[hr][hr][center][h3][color=f7941d][b]Gamma Team[/b][/color][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/7L3trKsZ/giphy.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Members:[/b] [color=A4FFFC]Sapphire[/color], [color=FAFD95]Havok[/color], [color=#DAF7A6]Sunshine[/color], [color=6B576F]Magik[/color] [b]Location:[/b] Throne Room ->> Hallway #7 -> Mutant Underground Hideout [b]Skills:[/b] [color=#DAF7A6]Disease Manipulation, Enhanced Accuracy[/color], [color=A4FFFC]Medical Knowledge, Ice Attacks, Cryokinesis, Hand to Hand Combat[/color] [hr] [/center] Sinister's throne room was utterly and thoroughly trashed. Sunshine was giggling slightly, enjoying the pure mess that they had made around it. The only way it would have been better would have been having some paints to throw everywhere. Although, she had discovered that shredded documents and files made for excellent makeshift confetti. Magik had even found a sharpie and drew all over a portrait of Mister Sinister, putting some rather graphic images near his mouth. [color=#DAF7A6]"That's so nasty,"[/color] Sunshine observed. [color=#DAF7A6]"And that stuff dripping, is that...?"[/color] Magik nodded, a devilish smirk on her face. [color=6B576F]"Yup."[/color] [color=#DAF7A6]"And then that is...?"[/color] [color=6B576F]"Exactly what it looks like,"[/color] Magik was positively beaming, admiring her artwork. Havok had been taking more of a traditional approach to trashing the room - he was letting off explosive blasts of energy, Hula-Hooping his hips in order to trigger them. The only thing still standing in the room was the throne itself. He glanced up at the artwork Sunshine and Magik were admiring, only to let out a hearty laugh himself. [color=FAFD95]"Okay, you have to admit it, that's kinda funny,"[/color] he mentioned to Sapphire, elbowing her lightly. He then winced from the pain. The ice had stopped the bleeding, but the wounds were still there, deep. [color=A4FFFC]"Really Havok? Encouraging them?"[/color] Sapphire said with a small laugh, shaking her head. [color=A4FFFC]"Stop drawing dicks, we've got other things to do."[/color] With those last words, she headed out of the room, figuring the three children would follow her. [color=6B576F]"She reminds me of some of the demons of Limbo,"[/color] Magik mused, before giving Sunshine a wink as she dragged her new friend out of the room. Havok shook his head at the two girls, wondering which one would qualify as the bad influence on the other. Was it the R rated Russian girl with weird Satanic vibes? Or was it the PG-13 street rat with an eating disorder? Only time would tell. In the circular hallway that they passed through, the freed mutants were waiting from the laboratory for someone to transport them. As they then continued on to investigate hallway #7, Sunshine was able to hear Glimpse's voice drifting out of the hallway the laboratory was in. In hallway #7, there were numerous doors. Unlike the rooms before that had lacked labels, these ones had glass windows with labels etched into them - [i]SURGERY[/i] was the nearest door. The others indicated their various functions, seemingly constituting a medical wing. Magik flinched slightly, spotting one labeled as [i]QUARANTINE[/i]. She had spent some time in that room. The memories were only unpleasant. [color=#DAF7A6]"Hey Sapphire,"[/color] Sunshine called out, having a question. [color=#DAF7A6]"Do vaccines really cause autism?"[/color] [Color=A4FFFC]"No vaccines do not cause autism Sunshine, that is just a bunch of people being idiots in thinking that,"[/color] she said, before opening up the door labeled as Surgery. Inside, it looked like a standard operating room, and walking inside, she started looking around to see what was there. Eventually she grabbed a few items and walked over to the operating table, and looked over at Havok. [Color=A4FFFC]"Alright Havok, considering how bad those injuries of yours are, you need to actually be patched up and not with ice. So get over here, sit down and take off your shirt do that I can do that. Magik, Sunshine, you both can start trashing the room or look through what is even in here."[/color] [color=#DAF7A6]"Well you already trashed Havok,"[/color] Sunshine said with a mischievous smile. Magik however went over to the cabinets and started dumping all of the pill bottles out onto the ground, making what could only be described as a drug addict's dream. It was a pity that Casper wasn't there at the moment, he would have been in heaven. Havok rolled his eyes. [color=FAFD95]"I think I'm being bullied,"[/color] he said, before he hopped up onto the table and took off his shirt, throwing it at Sapphire. [color=FAFD95]"Don't tell Lorna. She'll kill you."[/color] [color=A4FFFC]"With how often you have said that to me in the past few days you'd think we were actually a thing or something. Since you've said that to me like, 5 times now, I wouldn't be surprised if at this rate you told her something and then she showed up and tried to kill me, I mean really,"[/color] she said with an eye roll towards him, tossing his shirt to the side, but shot a glare in Sunshine's direction, clearly getting more then a little annoyed. It took her a few minutes, but she managed to patch up his injuries for the moment so he was better off then he was with ice stopping him from bleeding out. [color=A4FFFC]"Alright, so put your damn shirt back on, we've got more important things to do right now,"[/color] she said, tossing his shirt back at him. [color=A4FFFC]"And don't do something stupid."[/color] [color=FAFD95]"You mean like fight Mister Sinister in hell with two kids and an icy bitch?"[/color] Havok teased her. He then pulled his shirt back on, though it had a few gaping holes in the chest area from Sapphire's ice daggers in Limbo. For the moment, things were relatively quiet, with the two girls trashing the surgery room they were in quite effectively. [color=A4FFFC]"Wow you are so nice aren't you Havok? Anyway, do you think you need pain killers? Since I don't think you should be high on pain meds, so don't be a baby and cry if you're hurting, the pain will keep you awake and hopefully make you want to finish this mission a lot quicker then before. Alright, if you two are done destroying the room, let's see about checking out the other ones, alright?"[/color] she said, looking over at Sunshine and Magik with those last words, before she went and headed back towards the hallway. [color=FAFD95]"... I actually wouldn't have minded some Advil,"[/color] Havok called out after her, before jumping off of the table and he headed after Sapphire. Magik took the moment to draw a pentagram on the wall, before Sunshine grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the room, only for them to come face to face with the final member of the Marauders - Lady Mastermind. [color=A4FFFC]"Oh hell no, not you again!"[/color] Sapphire said instantly, her hands started having frost emanating from them again as she more or less glared at the woman who appeared in front of them. She remembered her alright. Namely the fact that she had been a thorn in her side years ago back when she was with X-Factor. [color=00AB12]"Oh hello there Demetria, it is lovely to see you again, clearly you are getting into lots of trouble again aren't you? Never thought you'd do the hero thing again after your little adventures in space,"[/color] she responded with a bit of a laugh. [color=A4FFFC]"How about you shut up and get the hell out of my way? And stop popping up everywhere!"[/color] she said, before sending ice daggers at her, and somewhat skewering her somewhat, causing Lady Mastermind to stumble backwards slightly. [color=00AB12]"You clearly have not changed in a few years."[/color] [color=FAFD95]"I take it you two know each other?"[/color] Havok commented. [color=#DAF7A6]"Shut up, it's time to fight, not talk!"[/color] Sunshine snapped. She had been enjoying destroying things recklessly and now she got to try to hurt someone. Anyone who said that revenge didn't feel good was a liar. She had loved beating up Sinister after Erg's death and now she was going to beat up this chick. She clearly had something to do with it, so Sunshine assumed she was another Nazi racist that needed to die for her sins. She lobbed a gigantic ball of swine flu at Lady Mastermind, enough to send the villain down to the ground in pain. Magik frowned, cutting Lady Mastermind with her Soulsword and the marauder vanished. It had just been an illusion. [color=6B576F]"Where are you?"[/color] she murmured, Soulsword at the ready. [color=A4FFFC]"I met her when I was working with X-Factor, the bitch is a major thorn in the side and honestly should just be gone already!"[/color] Sapphire said, before she moved farther down the hallway. The others weren't able to notice a damn thing, but Sapphire did considering it all revolved around her for the moment. She heard someone by her, and turned to look and see what looked like an exact duplicate of herself standing there, smirking slightly. When she glanced down at her own hands, she saw that she now seemed to resemble Wyngarde. [color=A4FFFC]"...I hate illusions,"[/color] she managed to say, but because of the illusions, the others weren't able to hear that. [color=A4FFFC][b][i]"Found the bitch, honestly, just give up Wyngarde!"[/i][/b][/color] the illusion said with a bit of a smirk, before it sent shards of ice flying at her, but she managed to miss in her attacks. Then it was like being dragged along with the illusion entirely as Sapphire found herself slamming her foot into her duplicate with enough force to slam her into the wall. [color=00AB12][b][i]"Well you clearly don't know me at all now do you? If I gave up so easily, then I wouldn't have bothered with everything that happened with Serval now would I?"[/i][/b][/color] [color=#DAF7A6]"Mind if I borrow that? I never miss,"[/color] Sunshine explained to Magik quickly. Magik raised an eyebrow, before she nodded and handed the Soulsword over to her fellow mutant. It was surprisingly both heavy and light in Sunshine's hands, as she aimed at what she thought was Wyngarde. She didn't know if she was looking at an illusion and Magik hadn't told her that the sword couldn't hurt Wyndgarde, just vanish her illusions. It really was only meant to hurt magical beings. Sunshine threw the sword, hitting Wyndgarde in the face with it - and the illusion was dispelled, revealing Sapphire. The Soulsword went straight through her harmlessly, with Magik opening a portal in its path and allowing her to grab her weapon with ease. [color=A4FFFC]"Illusionists are annoying... Especially considering the fact that her illusions can actually kill us. Think she managed to drown someone when in reality they were on dry land or something... Should I be concerned that you instantly threw a sword at me?"[/color] Sapphire asked Sunshine, looking over at her. [color=A4FFFC]"Anyway, we knock her out, she can't create anymore illusions."[/color] There was suddenly the sound of almost a growl really from behind them farther down the hallway, whirling around Sapphire let out a sigh. [color=A4FFFC]"You have got to be kidding me! Again with the freaking dinosaurs? Well at least it isn't the freaking T-Rex again... Though not sure if those raptors are much better..."[/color] she said, as 4 Velociraptors came into view, and instantly charged at the group. Sapphire got slammed into the wall as one of the raptors bit her arm, causing a deep gash to form on her. Another one charged at Sunshine and slammed it's tail into her, knocking her down, and another one did the exact same thing to Magik. The one that attacked Havok seemed to be having the worst luck, and missed him entirely. [color=FAFD95]"Yay, I've always wanted to experience Jurassic Park,"[/color] Havok muttered. He tried to send a blast of energy off at one of the raptors, only for it to tackle him to the ground. Magik ran the beast through with the Soulsword and it vanished, whereas the blade didn't harm Havok at all. [color=FAFD95]"...What the hell is that?"[/color] [color=6B576F]"My Soulsword,"[/color] Magik answered, not explaining her weapon at all. Sunshine got back up to her feet, touching the nearest raptor and it let out a pitiful screech as hives and boils erupted all over its body, as it collapsed feebly to the ground and died. [color=#DAF7A6]"Where is she?"[/color] she asked, looking around for Lady Mastermind so she could do that to an actual living, breathing thing. [color=A4FFFC]"No idea,"[/color] Sapphire said, before she instantly got knocked down by the raptor by her and fell to the ground as the dinosaur pounced on her. She managed to create a dagger out of ice that she held up just in time for the raptor to pounce on her and sunk its teeth into her neck. Despite the pain, she stabbed with her ice dagger and managed to kill the thing and it fell limp and it rolled off of her, however there was quite a bit of blood on the ground, and there was a lot of blood on her neck from the teeth marks that the raptor had caused, and the injuries were still bleeding. [color=A4FFFC]"...We need to find Wyngarde,"[/color] Sapphire managed to more or less cough out, but she wasn't getting up from the floor. The remaining raptor pounced on Magik with enough force to knock her to the ground, and it was using its claws to slash at her arms, causing deep gashes to appear. Magik was seething due to the gashes she had accumulated, trying to grab her Soulsword to slay the raptor but it had fallen just out of reach. Havok tried to blast it off of her, but his injuries were making it difficult for him to get an energetic blast off. Seeing that she was one of the last ones standing, Sunshine peered around the room. She couldn't tell where Wyndgarde was. But she knew where her friends were. Taking a deep breath, she summoned the nastiest bout of stomach flu that she could and Sunshine flung it forward, careful not to hit Sapphire or the others. If Wyndgarde was anywhere in front of her, she'd be liable to keel over and start to vomit. The illusions instantly dissipated, and Lady Mastermind appeared in front of them, the illusions dropping as she started coughing and hacking, before she did vomit slightly off to the side. She tried to send an illusion of sorts back up, but it didn't seem to be working. Sapphire laughed slightly, managing to more or less lean herself up against a wall as she looked at Wyngarde, putting one of her hands to the bite marks on her throat which were still bleeding heavily. [color=A4FFFC]"Looks like you're out of tricks Wyngarde... Then again, it didn't take much to knock you and your sister out years ago now was it?"[/color] [color=00AB12]"Silence,"[/color] Lady Mastermind snapped in between her coughing and hacking fits. She tried to do another illusion, and once again she failed. Even though Lady Mastermind hadn't created another illusion, Sunshine was still [i]pissed[/i]. Mastermind worked for the people that killed Erg, she was positive of it. It hadn't been a coincidence that a sentinel and purifiers had been sent down into the Morlock Tunnels. It was all Lady Mastermind's fault that Erg died! [color=#DAF7A6]"You're going to pay, bitch!"[/color] Sunshine half screamed, half growled as she ran at Lady Mastermind and roughly shoved her. Thanks to the nasty flu she had already given her, the Marauder went down easily and Sunshine climbed on top of her, pummeling her face in as best as she could. Her technique was sloppy and it was more like she was smacking Lady Mastermind around, but she didn't care. All Sunshine could see was Erg sacrificing himself for the Morlocks. Sapphire managed to get herself up off of the ground, but she was definitely unsteady on her feet as she did so, and she stumbled slightly towards Sunshine and pulled her off of Wyngarde, who by now was knocked out from the illness in combination with the illness that Sunshine had caused, and Sunshine's attacking her. [color=A4FFFC]"She's not worth the trouble Sunshine... She never is, trust me on that one,"[/color] Sapphire said to her, pulling her away still using her one free hand, as her other one was still being used to try and slow the bleeding down on her neck. [color=#DAF7A6]"Why the hell does she get to live and Erg...?"[/color] Sunshine asked, tears welling up in her eyes. [color=#DAF7A6]"It's fucked up!"[/color] [color=A4FFFC]"Sometimes things don't make sense... And yeah, it's fucked up, that's the way the world works, a lot of things happen that no one wants to and that don't seem like they should have happened, and that seem to happen for no reason... I honestly still think all of that is bullshit, but it's something that happens all the time... And I wish that stuff like that didn't..."[/color] [color=6B576F]"The only way to bring balance is to kill her,"[/color] Magik added seriously. [color=6B576F]"This is the way."[/color] Sunshine nodded, finding herself in agreement with the other new mutant. [color=#DAF7A6]"Exactly! She has to pay. A life for a life! And freaking Sinister came back anyways so if he can't pay, and Shaw the Nazi isn't around, then she's going to be the one to pay for Erg!"[/color] [color=A4FFFC]"No,"[/color] Sapphire snapped at them both, before she started coughing and the blood from her neck was still not really stopping. [color=A4FFFC]"I can't believe I'm defending her, but no, no killing, transport her somewhere else, but you are not killing her, got it?"[/color] she was more then a little annoyed with the two of them, and the area they were in started to drop in temperature somewhat. [color=FAFD95]"Yeah, listen to your mother!"[/color] Havok scolded the two kids. [color=#DAF7A6]"....Can you transport her to the bottom of the ocean?"[/color] Sunshine mumbled to Magik. [color=6B576F]"A volcano might be fun,"[/color] Magik suggested. Sapphire rolled her eyes slightly at Havok's comments, before figuring out an idea. [color=A4FFFC]"Send her where Blink sent Vulcan, send her off to the Savage Lands, it's far away from here and she won't be able to cause trouble,"[/color] she said, before eventually she had to go lean up against a wall as her legs were starting to give out due to blood loss at this point. Magik nodded, opening a portal and shoving Lady Mastermind on through to the Savage Land. She didn't completely follow Sapphire's directions however, as she ensured her portal was a good twenty feet up in the air, hoping that Lady Mastermind would hit a bunch of tree branches on the way down. [color=6B576F]"You need to heal,"[/color] she told Sapphire dryly, opening a portal to the Mutant Underground. [color=6B576F]"Come on,"[/color] she said, as she, Havok, and Sunshine awkwardly half carried Sapphire on through. The portal then shut behind them.