[hr][hr][center][h3][color=f7941d][b]Alpha Team[/b][/color][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Sx2tDWwD/giphy.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Members:[/b] [color=D48FFF]Blink[/color], [color=935DB8]Veil[/color], [color=87d0f2]Spark Plug[/color], [color=9C00FF]Stretch[/color], [color=#FFDAB9]Moonwalker[/color], [color=#556B2F]Glimpse[/color] [b]Location:[/b] Arclight's Room -> Hallway #2 -> Riptide's Room [b]Skills:[/b] [color=935DB8]Invisible Energy Manipulation[/color], [color=#FFDAB9] Enhanced Strength, Advanced Hand to Hand Combat, Dreamwalking[/color], [color=87d0f2]Electricity Manipulation, Weather Manipulation[/color], [color=9C00FF]Elasticity, Hand to Hand Combat[/color], [color=#556B2F]Telepathy[/color] [hr] [/center] Arclight spit onto the ground, sweating and grinning at Cayden. It wasn't often that she found someone able to play rough like her - Sabretooth was pretty much the only sparring partner she had among the Marauders. "Where you from, kid?" she asked, ignoring Blink's presence. The purple haired green eyed mutant hadn't done anything to her quite yet, and until Blink demonstrated a power worth her time, Cayden would be her focus. [color=D48FFF]"Unbelievable, why is it the villains always focus on the men?"[/color] Blink muttered, rolling her eyes. She threw a portal out beneath Arclight's feet, intending to send Arclight in a loop of dropping for all eternity, but the Marauder managed to dart out of the way at the last second. Arclight then kicked Blink in the stomach, Blink absorbing most of the hit as she rolled backwards and popped back up to her feet. [color=D48FFF]"...You got a plan?"[/color] she asked Moonwalker. Veil concentrated, becoming invisible before Spark Plug and Jack. They seemed to have the creepy room with the odd book covered - and the place was giving her a headache, as unbeknownst to her the psychic entity Malice tried and failed to enter her mind as well. Moonwalker however, judging from the loud crashes and bangs, definitely needed her help. With Sabretooth already sent off to the Savage Land, her money was on one of the Marauders they had encountered before. She crept out into the hallway and carefully made her way into the room Moonwalker and Blink were fighting in, spying Arclight from before. Picking up one of the bricks that had come loose from the wall being destroyed, the brick would seemingly vanish before Moonwalker's eyes as Veil crept over to Arclight. She smashed the brick over Arclight's head, causing the formidable mutant to stumble slightly. "Who the fuck was that?" Arclight growled, swerving around the room looking for her foe. "Lemme guess - an invisible piece of shit coward? Huh?" [color=#FFDAB9]"A res up in Arizona,"[/color] Cayden answered politely. [color=#FFDAB9]"Came East to see how the other half lives. Did you know you have a shortage on Doritos here? It's a shame really."[/color] Cayden was rooting for Blink's portal to work but Arclight was very quick on her feet, almost feline like. Cayden was noticing a pattern here, well, a made up one. He shrugged at Blink. [color=#FFDAB9]"I keep distracting her with my charm and you save the day? That's usually how the comics work isn't it?"[/color] He was about to charge again when he watched a brick float before becoming invisible. He tried to keep his face neutral as he knew who had done that. The brick was thrown as was evident by Arclight's sway then turning around to yell at air. Cayden took the rare opportunity and rushed forward. He didn't care if he was attacking her with her back turned, she probably wouldn't show him the same courtesy. He lined up to land another heavy strike and missed her head but landed it on her shoulder blade to cause a bit of damage. Cayden quickly shifted, shoving his shoulder into the middle of her spine and ran her towards the wall and pinned her against the brick. [color=#FFDAB9]"Okay, now would be good! Oh, I never asked, where are you from?"[/color] he asked Arclight. With the only thing in the room the diary burnt now, she watched as Veil disappeared and followed shortly behind seeing the hole in the wall and stood just outside of the room. Raising an eyebrow hearing Cayden casually talking to Arclight, she held out her hand as a bolt of lightening shot out from her hand, sadly missing her target completely leaving a nasty scorch mark on the wall nearby, and stared at the mutant. [color=87d0f2]"Consider that as a warning shot. And you are kind of outnumbered now as well to."[/color] Callie said while looking at Cayden. [color=87d0f2]"And it looks like you are completely flirting with her or something."[/color] Callie said while looking at Blink. [color=9C00FF]"How about enough talking and more actually hitting? Honestly who does warning shots anymore?"[/color] Jack said as he stepped out into the hallway and looked at the chaos that was continuing around him. He wound up his fist, before it went flying, stretching out over to Arclight and slamming into her face, managing to knock the Marauder out cold. When his arm shot back, Jack almost sort of dusted his fist off slightly and looked at the others. [color=9C00FF]"So, now that that is taken care of let's get going."[/color] Blink opened a portal to the Atlantic Ocean, grabbing the various notebooks and the computer in the room and dropping them on through, letting the ocean claim then. She then closed the portal and sighed slightly, looking at the unconscious Arclight. She was beginning to feel bad for those in the Savage Land, even as she opened up a portal and pushed the mutant on through. [color=D48FFF]"I feel like we're setting them up for a really weird Gilligan's Island spin-off."[/color] [color=935DB8]"Come on, we still have two rooms to investigate in this hallway,"[/color] Veil told her team, heading out of Arclight's room. [color=935DB8]"One of these has to be Riptide's... And the other one... I have no clue, unless you guys ran into a Marauder I don't know about."[/color] Cayden managed a grin from Callie's tease. [color=#FFDAB9]"Not in the least Spark, don't worry,"[/color] Cayden joked. He was relieved the spark she sent didn't hit him, as well as Stretch's stretchy arm and fist. He felt Arclight go limp against him when she was knocked out cold and he sighed before stepping back and she slumped to the ground. Next thing he knew, everything in the room disappeared, along with Arclight thanks to Blink. [color=#FFDAB9]"So I'll take up the rear and not open anymore doors. Sorry boss,"[/color] Cayden said sheepishly to Veil before following the group. [color=87d0f2]"Yeah you totally were."[/color] Callie said shaking her head slightly as she watched Blink sending Arclight away as well into the Savage Lands with the number of people that they have sent there already. [color=87d0f2]"Well at least they will have some company, and it would totally be a funny spin off of Gilligan's Island."[/color] Callie turned and started to leave Arclight's room, she found the next room and opened the door seeing Riptide again, letting out a cry in pain as several shurikens were thrown at her and embedding themselves into her skin. Holding out her hand, and the room started to rain heavily, seeing that it was something completely different this time. She tried to electrocute Riptide, only for it to somehow miss him completely. [color=9C00FF]"Wow we just keep having the worst luck now don't we? I'm all for not opening up any of the other doors if that's alright with the rest of you considering how things have been going,"[/color] Jack said, before his right arm stretched out and slammed into Riptide's chest, knocking him somewhat off balanced, and when his right arm snapped back he sent his other arm flying to do a follow up hit, punching him and causing him to stumble even more. Unfortunately, he hadn't been able to knock the guy over. [color=9C00FF]"Stand down if you want to make this a little bit easier on yourself. Or not, it's entirely up to you, but knowing you all, you probably won't surrender, and then we just beat you down and knock you out. Which is a perfectly valid option in my mind."[/color] [color=D48FFF]"Be right back, Glimpse needs me,"[/color] Blink announced suddenly, diving through a portal without another word of explanation. Veil nodded slightly, hoping that the others were having an easier time of things. They had barely managed to beat Arclight, with Sabretooth surprisingly being handled relatively easily. Both of them were now contributing to increasing the population of the Savage Land, an idea that Veil was certain they'd eventually come to regret but she couldn't think that far ahead at the moment. [color=935DB8]"Until Blink gets back, Moonwalker do your thing, the rest of us will knock his HP down like we're playing Pokémon,"[/color] Veil ordered. She could see Riptide start to regain his balance and spin again, his shurikens about to go flying but she was prepared for this. Rather than make a force field for everyone, she created a bubble of sorts around Riptide, containing the flying sharp objects as they fell to the floor upon striking the force field. It was taking all of her concentration and she was hoping that she'd be able to keep him contained for a while, at least long enough to tire him out or keep him from sprouting more of those horrible shurikens from his body. It was disgusting. She gave her teammates a discrete nod about a minute later, throwing down the force field so they could attack Riptide and take him by surprise, hopefully. Cayden nodded in agreement with Jack, opening more doors seemed like a bad idea but at least this time Cayden waited for more people to be with him. He looked at Veil when she spoke to him. [color=#FFDAB9]"My thing... Oh! Right."[/color] Cayden focused on the sharp star throwing man and entered his mind. It took quite a bit of time, way more push than Sabretooth's did but he managed to lock on Riptide and give him a daydream. He couldn't quite determine what sort of daydream would be best but he was getting an image of tornadoes so he conjured one up in the middle of a wide open field. [color=#FFDAB9]"Okay,"[/color] Cayden said, the only word he felt comfortable saying. Callie watched as Blink disappeared to go and help out Glimpse for whatever reason the other team needed help with and nodded, she winced slightly with the shuriken's still in her. She didn't want to pull them all out just yet, Callie nodded towards Veil the moment she dropped her forcefield Callie held out her hand and fired off another bolt of lightening at Riptide landing a good hit on him. Jack shook his head slightly as it seemed like Cayden forgot what his own powers were for a moment. That was just a bit weird, but also wasn't all too surprising considering that it was Cayden after all. He didn't know the guy all too well, but from what he knew, the guy could tend to keep his heads in the clouds for a little bit. Seeing Callie shock Riptide, he followed it up with a punch of his own, sure it wasn't as cool of epic as shooting lightning at someone, but it was the best he could do as he landed a somewhat solid punch on Riptide. Veil then placed a force field around Riptide, letting out a slight sigh of relief. [color=935DB8]"Now we just need to hold him until Blink gets here, then down the hatch to the Savage Land he goes,"[/color] she told the others. They had Riptide locked in a daydream, and both Spark Plug and Jack had managed to do a decent amount of damage to him. A portal then appeared in the middle of the room, as Blink and Glimpse hopped on through. [color=D48FFF]"Sorry I'm late. They were taking forever,"[/color] she said with a slight eye roll. [color=D48FFF]"So, you ready for a portal?"[/color] she asked, opening up one to the Savage Land. [color=D48FFF]"If one of you wouldn't mind shoving him on through,"[/color] she added, as Veil lowered the force field around Riptide. Callie watched Jack as he gave Riptide another pretty good punch to the face, and with him in a daydream by Moonwalker a few seconds later Blink came back with Glimpse as well giving her a friendly smile. [color=87d0f2]"I wouldn't mind giving him the good old 'This is Sparta' kick."[/color] Callie said as she casually walked up to him once Veil lowered the forcefield and gave him a really hard kick, pushing him through the portal. [color=87d0f2]"Later, hope you enjoy your company as well."[/color] Callie said, waving goodbye once the portal closed she started to search around the room eventually finding Riptide's laptop but seeing the battery was dead, hoping to get some info off of it and tried to give it a little jolt. Only for it to end up getting fried and dropped it on the ground now. [color=87d0f2]"Oops."[/color] She said shrugging a little bit as she looked over to the others. [color=9C00FF]"...Usually you don't want to fry any sort of electronic device that might hold useful info on it, just saying there are better ways to charge it if that's what the problem was,"[/color] Jack said towards her, more then a bit annoyed at that. He waved slightly as Blink returned with Glimpse in tow, and he walked into Riptide's room to see if there was anything that Callie might have missed. Poking around slightly, his mind went to a few different cases that he's worked on, and one thing stuck out. Usually people tended to pry up floorboards and stash stuff underneath of them, so carefully scanning the floor, he eventually found a loose floorboard and pried it up. [color=9C00FF]"Bingo,"[/color] he said as he pulled out a flashdrive, some fake passports, and $1000 dollars in cash. [color=9C00FF]"Wow, this is a bit of a stash..."[/color] Cayden felt relaxed once his mind was free from Riptides and he looked over at Blink and Glimpse when they returned. His eyes widened, staring at Glimpse. [color=#FFDAB9]"What the heck happened to you?"[/color] Not only was there a hole in her shirt but it was covered in blood that didn't look like it had fully dried yet. [color=#556B2F]"Got stabbed, it didn't take. We saved about eleven mutants, including an X-Men. Colossus took Kurt back to the underground while James and Casper have gone to your office Jack, to get cleaned up,"[/color] Luna summed up. She looked over at Jack, watching him pry open the floorboard and saw the money. It was a good sum that would allow the underground to get some food and possibly help James get power running. Luna would offer her assistance to James if he wanted it in that department. [color=#556B2F]"How are things here?"[/color] [color=935DB8]"Let's take the papers you found, Spark Plug, and the stash Jack found,"[/color] Veil requested. It was a little too easy to feel overwhelmed in this situation, but Glimpse indicated that the lab had been handled. The Hounds had been rescued. [color=D48FFF]"Close but not quite - unless James and Casper got a car, I sent them back to the Underground. Colossus and Negasonic are still here, destroying things,"[/color] Blink contradicted Glimpse. [color=D48FFF]"If everyone is ready, I think we've got all the Marauders taken care of. I can make a portal back for the rest of us and grab them."[/color] Callie looked over towards Jack and shrugged slightly. [color=87d0f2]"Well the mission was to also destroy all their stuff, and it wasn't my intention to fry the damn thing."[/color] Callie said, shrugging a little bit before picking up the fried laptop again. [color=87d0f2]"If it isn't completely fried maybe we can take salvage some info from it."[/color] They had Sabertooths mission reports, so maybe there was something else that they could find out where he had been going as well. [color=87d0f2]"I'm ready to go back home whenever you all are ready to."[/color] [color=9C00FF]"Eh, if Casper wants to head to my office later I'll take him there... Probably need to go through more then a few things there to see if there are any bugs or whatever planted there, wouldn't surprise me... Also reminder according to Veil as a precaution I should be zapped Spark Plug soooo yeah... Need to be electrocuted before I go anywhere near the Underground,"[/color] Jack reminded her, glancing over towards Glimpse. A part of him really wanted to question out loud how Glimpse had managed to miss a few things based on the fact that Blink was correcting her, but he didn't say anything about it. [color=#556B2F]"All I know is that was what Casper suggested. Wasn't sure if they would hang around or find a way to get there on their own,"[/color] Luna said. She knew Colossus had returned, just said that he had taken Kurt back to the Underground since he had carried the mutant through the portal. It was a summary of events after all. She looked around the room a bit before looking at Blink. [color=#556B2F]"Once everyone is clear I will blow the main room."[/color] Cayden nodded along with the information given and the information corrected. At least they knew of one group that was safe. [color=#FFDAB9]"So are we ready to blow this popsicle stand?"[/color] Cayden asked cheerily. [color=#FFDAB9]"How many more hallways do we have to check?"[/color] He remembered there being several but he wasn't sure how many each group had to check or if it was a go as you can kind of thing. [color=935DB8]"Glimpse, can you do a quick psychic sweep, make sure no one is left in the building? And tell Colossus and Negasonic to come here?"[/color] Veil requested. Once they were all together, Blink could send them all home (once Callie tased Jack) and they could begin to debrief everything that had happened. She knew they ought to save the cash Jack found for an emergency, but Veil was thinking about sending Magik or Blink out to buy some pizzas and beer with it. They needed to celebrate. Callie looked over towards Jack, since he has been asking so much to be tasered by her. [color=87d0f2]"If your heart stops or something, just remember you asked for it, so don't blame me."[/color] Callie said as she held out her hand, and zapped Jack, making sure it hurt as well to. Whether or not there was any kind of tech that was on him it was most likely fried now at this point. [color=87d0f2]"Any tech should be fried on him now."[/color] Callie said looking at the others. [color=9C00FF]"Reminding you what Veil said and asking for it are two different things!"[/color] Jack said with an eye roll, before he tensed up slightly from her zapping him. It hadn't been the first time he'd been electrocuted sadly, and he doubted that it would be the last, but it hopefully would fix any fears that Veil had of Sinister having any sort of physical tracker on him. His hair stood up a little bit from the shock and he patted it back down slightly. [color=9C00FF]"Alright, let's get the hell out of here."[/color] Cayden watched with fasination as Spark Plug tasered Jack and shook his head, wondering if she had enjoyed doing it. [color=#FFDAB9]"Can't say I've seen that before,"[/color] he noted. No one seemed to answer him on if they had to check down any other hallways so Cayden assumed knowing. Maybe Colossus and Negasonic had taken care of the rest of the hallways. Luna nodded and shut her eyes, she did four scans of the building but could only sense Negasonic and Colossus. She then reached out to those two, finding Colossus's mind to be opened and asked for him and Negasonic to join them in the second hallway per Veil's request. [color=#556B2F]"No one else seems to be in the building other than us. I got Colossus, they should be on their way,"[/color] Luna told Veil. She watched Jack get tasered and was glad James wasn't here to see that. She wasn't sure how he would react to it, even though it was needed and voluntary. Veil winced slightly as Spark Plug was more than a little bit enthusiastic about shocking Jack - sure, he was pretty cute but Veil hadn't found him to be particularly annoying yet. Of course, she hadn't had much time to think about people beyond as a leader. She didn't even know what her opinion of Jack was outside of all of this. [color=935DB8]"Thank god,"[/color] she couldn't help but say with a sigh, as Glimpse indicated that they had somehow pulled this all off. The last thing they needed to go was blow the place up as best as they could and then get the hell out of there. It wasn't too long before Colossus and Negasonic showed up, with Blink creating a portal back to the Mutant Underground. [color=935DB8]"Blow the place up,"[/color] Veil then told Glimpse, giving her the go-ahead. Everyone went through the portal first, emerging on the other side and looking like they had gone through hell. Glimpse and Blink were the last ones out, leaving behind the deadly payload. In downtown D.C., the Cherry Bomb suddenly collapsed in on itself, prompting screams of fear from nearby pedestrians taking part in Stryker's March for Humanity...