[center][img]https://pm1.narvii.com/5912/67dd6304c1b0591e6980c8f36bcdf25b88f86cf1_hq.jpg[/img][/center] So with World Trigger season 2 being recently confirmed, I figured now would be a good time to try and roll out some of my ideas here. I will play the world around the player characters and shape everything for you guys to have fun! Fancy rising in the ranks for as the best fighter? Go for it! Want to join other players and form a team with the intention of reaching A rank? Sure thing! Join the NPC's team? Yep, you can do that too! Want to see what secrets are in store for the Neighborhood or want to prioritize the homefront? You can totally do both! For those that do not know anything about World Trigger, that's okay! Players will be starting as brand new recruits and you can take things as slow or fast as you want. Feel free to look the series up and read about it, too. There will be a light stat system helping to determine a player's effective role. The system is only in place to help with estimated results but thinking outside of the box can help you punch above your numbers. These numbers can grow over time upon IC milestones. The stats are: Trion, Attack, Defense, Mobility, Skill, Special. Again, I want to emphasize that stats are by no means the rule but general guidelines for the story. [hider=Stats Expanded] [b][i]Trion[/i][/b] - Trion is the amount of energy somebody has. It is crucial to a lot of aspects within this universe but the most important to remember is that it determines how long you can fight. Higher Trion levels will afford a player greater endurance. They can shoot more bullets, keep fighting with Trion leaking injuries, and so on. How it works in the IC will be that I will hint in my posts about how your character is feeling on this level. [b][i]Attack[/i][/b] - This value determines your general success in offense in melee. The value is how well you can inflict, and the degree of injury, to an opponent. This value paired with Trion will determine the strength of special offensive trigger abilities. [b][i]Defense[/i][/b] - Avoiding attacks is just as valuable and a value here will determine your sense to avoid damage in close quarters. It also helps your resilience against injuries, leaking less Trion overall. Like the Attack value, Defense paired with Trion will determine the strength of shield trigger abilities. [b][i]Mobility[/i][/b] - This will determine how fast you can move on a general basis and it will help you for evasion. [b][i]Skill[/i][/b] - Skill is crucial for gunners or ranged abilities as it affects the accuracy. There is also a pairing with Trion and will amplify the power of ranged Trion based abilities. [b][i]Special[/i][/b] - A miscellaneous skill that will cover some story aspects. At the start, however, a higher value here will reward the player with a side effect, a passive ability. Later in the story this value will also give the player 'luck' to encounter a trainer or inventor for unique abilities like Geist, dual-form weapons, obtaining a Black Trigger, etc. Higher 'luck' will mean you might encounter the chance to learn these sooner and have a better grasp at learning them efficiently. [/hider] Another aspect of customization is deciding how to build your character. There are an number of different classes in Border and that depends on how you build your Trigger, the weapon system in this universe. First you choose whether you want to be an Attacker (focuses on melee) or Shooter (focuses on ranged). There are eight slots in a Border Trigger to be used for modifications that alter your strategy and a few different weapon types as well. [hider=Weapons Expanded] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/d38a20577f30fb1c416c0d3a53346453/tumblr_inline_o4fnr0Jrrs1qlckaf_540.png[/img] [url]https://worldtrigger.fandom.com/wiki/Trigger[/url] So you'll find a wikipedia page on triggers there ^ The basics of it is you have 8 slots to place triggers into and these are freely changeable outside of combat.[/hider] As for the story basics, Border has been facing increasing pressure from Neighbor raids. They believe something big is on horizon and have stepped up recruiting efforts. The player characters are some of those new recruits. [hider=Lore Expanded] [img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6289/26460d9a104c76ac74b3e4c3baf9e02abdc4e69a_hq.jpg[/img] World Trigger is mostly based around Mikado City in Japan. It is the only place Neighbors can use to enter our world and as a result, it is the headquarters for Border, the defense force for Earth. Neighbors come from parallel planets in kind of a separate universe system known as the Neighborhood. There are numerous different worlds and each have their own agendas when it comes to Earth. Border was established about 30 years before the IC start date. They are the defenders of Earth that learned how to use Neighbor technology, Triggers, to combat the invaders. At the center of all this conflict is a substance known as Trion. It is an energy that exists in people and Neighbors alike. It has been the centerstone for development on the Neighbors planets and it has now started to develop Earth as well. You can take a look at the wiki page for some more reading about it. [url]https://worldtrigger.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page[/url][/hider] If this interests you, please let me know! I am looking for a small group of about 3-4 players but I think I can handle two squads (6-8 players) if the interest is overwhelming.