[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=6699FF]Apollo Harrington[/color][/b][/h3] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/671635048612757534/3e06da3b50bb071d55f81ede0ae43a98.gif[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=6699FF]Location:[/color][/b] Cabin 3 [b][color=6699FF]Magic:[/color][/b] Charms [/center][hr] Mouth currently full of his treat, he simply covered it with his hands as he spoke so as not to seem rude and speak with his mouth full. He smiled as he agreed to share his candy with her, tilting the glass jar so that the opened lid was facing Mary so that she may pick one out herself. [Color=6699FF]"Summer was fantastic I got ahea-"[/color] before he could finish his twin had decided to enter the cabin with them, cutting off anything Apollo was going to say of the studies he'd done and the reading he did in advance while copying texts. He never understood why Artie found it so boring, even though they practically lived in each others heads. He simply piped up and nodded towards his twin as he let him rant on about the celestial ball that was being thrown this year. Two of his thickest mates were now in charge of throwing the ball? That certainly made this year that much more interesting. Apollo moved the sour candy towards his cheek as he spoke [color=6699FF]"That's the dogs bollocks! Perhaps we could have some muggle music added to the list this year with you two at the helm!"[/color] It wasn't hard to tell that his previous spell had gone sideways. Faes voice echoed throughout the halls and then turned into a boisterous boom that seemed to shake the panes of the doors. The sudden onslaught of noise startled Apollo as he bit down and cracked his candy in two. [Color=6699FF]"Someones gonna have to take care of that."[/color] He knew itd have to be him. Not because of his grades, or his love for Charms, nor because he viewed himself above others in casting, but merely because he was the source of this problem. He stood up and moved towards the other side of their compartment, leaning against the frame as his flicked his wand towards Fae. [Color=6699FF]"Quietus"[/color] The charm went off without a hitch and her voice returned back to it's normal, yet still boisterous, self. Apollo slid back in, taking his seat next to Mary as he fidgeted at his wand. [Color=6699FF]"Sorry about the whole...thing. I didn't want to get involved and add to the chaos, and I guess I forgot boundaries for that moment as i slipped back into my old habits."[/color] He had gestured with his wand to explain that he was speaking about the legilimency from earlier.