[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190227/29e06b9ccaacf7eaf157fda8f0afa4c3.png[/img][img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/4f2ee3eda591d30aa9997e8bb3fd31b5/tenor.gif[/img][/center] [hr] It was weird. It was like hugging a long-lost relative or picking up a puppy for the first time. That feeling so unfamiliar, yet instantly comforting. Something that one didn't know they were looking for, but are much better off having found it anyway. It was so warm. That's the best way Shawna could describe how she felt when she took Sunshine's hand. Even after her newly-christened girlfriend departed to prepare for classes, that feeling remained, even when Shawna was left by herself. It felt like the void didn't have the upper hand for once. And there wasn't the fluctuating doubt that was there with Kellie. That sense that were things were fine but always teetering on an edge. Sunshine wasn't playing coy. Sunshine seemed to be all in on this. Hell, she was the one who pushed the issue. She was as committed as Shawna wanted to be, and that was something to be treasured. She got something she didn't know she needed. In the tempest that her life had become, she had suddenly found a rock to cling onto. It's why Shawna was in a surprisingly good mood for a change. At least without the help of various pills or plants or concoctions. There was a lightness to her step that had been vacant for quite some time. There was an actual desire to go into school, and there wasn't anything that could really bring her down at the moment. [color=53F0FF]"Yo! What up? Hanging out or just making your way somewhere?"[/color] [color=E81B00][i]Nope. Not even that.[/i][/color] A quick glance confirmed the speaker. It was hard not to recognize one of the alpha jocks of King's Academy. Jack Goff. Even the name sounded way too appropriate for someone of his stature, but Shawna used to be above such crude jokes. That wasn't the case anymore. It was hard not to have contempt for a boy who got to where he was just by having vast amounts of quick-twitch muscle fibers that allowed him to speed around arenas and fields faster than it should be possible at his age. She certainly had it before. Yet now, in this midst of one of the purest highs of her life, Shawna couldn't work up the annoyance for someone who literally never spoke to her. There was confusion, sure. [color=E81B00][i]Why is he speaking to me? Boredom? Outdated mockery? Do women give off a special pheromone when they are coming off a sapphic moment that just attracts guys hoping for a spectacle?[/i][/color] It was enough to get her to stop moving. There was another boy. Chad... something. She couldn't remember him from anywhere. But Jack clearly commanded the lion's share of attention. Shawna pivoted with an eyebrow raised at the brunette. [color=E81B00]"Well, I thought about going somewhere else today, but I guess I ended up here anyway, so that failed. So yeah, probably heading to class at some point. Why?"[/color] Might as well get an answer to her question.