[b][i]Taris[/i][/b] In a dark alleyway of the decayed Ecumenopolis's lower levels, a blaster shot echos throughout the urban decay as a Weequay thug is held against a wall, his feet uselessly dangling in the air as he was held several inches off the ground due to his throat slowly being crushed by a cruel metallic hand. While the criminal had the life strangled out of him by the droid, a Twi'Lek prostitute helplessly looked alongside her Duros pimp who cowering on the filthy, duracrete, nursing his bruised cheek as he watched the droid attempted to enact homicide on a prospective customer. [b][i]"I'll ask you one more time... Have you seen this Chiss?"[/i][/b] Highsinger waves the picture at the Weequay's face again, dispassionately watching as the wrinkled skin on his face turned bluer and bluer before relieving the pressure, allowing some color to return to his face and allowing him to speak clearly. "I-I don't know who he really is..! Just someone who supplies t-the cheapest Ryll worth a damn in this quadrant! Saw him without his helm only once! A-and he never stays in one place for too long! Could be on the other side of the planet for all I know! O-Or even outta the system!" The droid's optics narrow before he lets drops the spice-addict to his feet, but not before snatching the holdout blaster he had hidden in his shirt and crushing it in front of his eyes. [b][i]"Get out of my sight."[/i][/b] The thug scurries away from the killer machine as it turned its attention towards the Duros and his whore, menacingly looming over them as he approached while the Tailhead protectively got between him and her man... Only to walk past the pair as if they weren't there. Sticking to the shadows of the dilapidated urban nightmare, Highsinger gets in touch with his partner as he makes his way back to their designated meeting spot. [i]"Apprentice, he is here still and apparently up to his usual antics. All the better."[/i] While his tone had that habitual lack of emotion and inflection in it, inwardly Highsinger was bemused that their target couldn't help but continue the very activities that forced him into exile. These criminals, these organics... Always falling into the repetition they so mock and denigrate droids over... At the very least the information they got from Coruscant was accurate, getting sent on the right track much quicker than he was normally used to. [@TheWatchDog] [@Wildling]