[hider= Boris - God of Mountains] [center][color=Goldenrod][h2]B O R I S[/h2][/color] [hr] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/0/0f/Gorthok%2C_the_Thunder_Boar.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20200201151153[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=Gray][sup]ADAMANT LUCIDITY | ASSURANCE | THE WARDEN | BOAR OF STONE [/sup][/color][/center] [h3]B A S I C M Y T H[/h3] [color=Goldenrod][sub]N A M E[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Boris[/color][/indent] [color=Goldenrod][sub]G E N D E R[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Male[/color][/indent] [color=Goldenrod][sub]N A T U R E[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Primordial[/color][/indent] [color=Goldenrod][sub]V I S A G E[/sub][/color] [indent] [hider=Domain: Infinite Girth] [img] https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/0/0f/Gorthok%2C_the_Thunder_Boar.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20200201151153[/img] [/hider] [color=gray][list][*][/list][/color][/indent] [indent] [hider=Base: Lord of Rock] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/q-bdANcTcQXFl5mSeqL6cDhgU5nelfmYxa55HfAHSoz4cfofcAHTc-uDfG_yiTHtcifKs2TlO0Vh0-8ZjaaLSoaag93QG1FOWuc808PKbzfxDOF24ibgCUiljKuKnaPnDOfADUTtMhaMi1dBWpsRDskhWLnO[/img] [/hider] [color=gray][list][*][/list][/color][/indent] [indent] [hider=Avatar: He Who Reaps the Dividend] [img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54243095e4b07ee637a9f812/1534308130921-2TGEN64H9H87EMJRMUL5/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kM1JY32kjOJ3YRKVZRV3r0RZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWQUxwkmyExglNqGp0IvTJZUJFbgE-7XRK3dMEBRBhUpzsYiQavGfRZXnQtYVtNix5BfitakIQ5yKGZJgXx9-Z9UcGiH0qisJlMo2_BxK314E/turiel-revivef.jpg?format=1500w[/img] [/hider] [color=gray][list][*] A giant without equal, the Avatar of Boris the Boar, Gunfir, is far removed from his patron in likeness. While Boris is the pinnacle of solidarity and calm, Gunfir errs to the side of pride and showmanship. Gold and copper adorn jewelry his body his massive body and the furs of slaughtered god-beasts warm his back and chest. Coiled around his right arm is a serpent of gold attached to him like a fifth limp. Bolsters and full of bravado, the giant regularly interacts with mortals, often hailed as the deity of hunter and strength, his feats are a spectacle many come far and wide to witness. [/list][/color][/indent] [h3]D I V I V E H Y M N S[/h3] [color=Goldenrod][sub]R E A L M[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]The Good Place of Digging and Playing/The Anchor of the World[/color] [color=gray][list][*]The Anchor of the World at first glance is mighty. Crags of silver-grey stone stand-out like islands in a sea of pale grass, branch-less trees as black as old blood reach up to heaven at its summit like spears pointed accusingly at the sky. At all three of its peaks, clouds spilt over snow-caps. If any place ever deserved its name, this was it. A mountain among mountains. Indeed large enough to anchor the sky to the world, such is the realm of the mountain god Boris. Hidden yet felt, the godly realm of Digging and Playing exists in the same space. Within its valleys and in its caves reside the many gilded palaces and play places of Boris’s co-signs, all hidden form mortal view. Despite sharing the same space, the realm’s mighty crags are bathed in a sunless sky that always produces lights, it’s blueness almost unnatural. Minerals of all kind infinitely abound in the domain, growing without hindrance within is unyielding rocky expanse. For a realm to exist synonymously in the mortal realm, ill-effects abound, the very likes of which are capable of warping a mortals perception of time and tearing apart their sanity. Without a resolve harder then stone one can lose themselves entirely to the mountain, succumbing to age or the deprivation of the body as time stretches on without their knowing. Within the blink of an eye a month may pass, and it’s effects only worsen as one ascends the monolith.[/list][/color][/indent] [color=Goldenrod][sub]D O M A I N[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray][b]Nature[/b], the realm of living plants, animals, and the environments in which they inhabit all falls under the jurisdiction of this domain. It’s parameters seemingly infinite, it’s patron deities are representatives of its core aspects, some taking up the mantel of the ocean blue, or the expansive green. Boris on the other hand, molds rock under his hooves with each step, and sculpts mountains with the infinite duress off his tusks. He is the bedrock and the foundation upon which nature stands. So is his domain. [/color][/indent] [color=Goldenrod][sub]P O R T F O L I O[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray][b]Mountains[/b], bulwarks of stone and glass crafted from chaos and order is Boris’ alone to command. The very personification of these monoliths, the Lord of Rock may seem cold and unforgiving, yet once nature erodes away his exterior, his many layers are visible. He is a boon to those who can traverse his ranges, and a blessing to those who can settle there. To others, he is certain death. [/color][/indent] [h3] P E R S O N A L I A [/h3] [color=Goldenrod][sub]P E R S O N A[/sub][/color][indent][color=gray]Just like there are two sides to every story, there are two sides to every being. Boris’ duality comes in the form of how other perceive him and who he is on a personal level. Furthermore; Boris, akin to many, has three sides of himself. Not truly three distinct personalities, nevertheless, he has three ways of looking at things: contemplative, direct, or dubious. His emotional set consists of a phlegmatic disposition, generally unemotional and stolidly calm. Which usually leads to assumptions of a depressed, cynical being, but bitterness and hate has yet to taint his soul. He still has an optimistic view of the world, harbors idealistic dreams, and naively believes that some gods can be trusted. Boris maintains no disillusion about the machinations of god nor the state the world may be in, however. But it’s a testament to his integrity and righteousness, how he will remain an honest and a responsible being. In tenser situations, Boris is: controlled, focused, steady, and conscientious of his surroundings. Every decision is made cautiously and pragmatically; he's vigilant in his efforts and never rarely impulsive. (Despite this he is quick to go out the window when he is personally insulted or made fun of) He strives to apply the same manner of thinking to every facet of his life. This is why he doesn't interfere in every dispute and is content with watching until needed. When it comes to Boris‘ ability to handle sudden changes and disagreement, his open-mind enables a high degree of adaptability. Because of that, he's able to be tolerant and forgiving of ignorance; whether he's willing to, differs from scenario-to-scenario. But to avoid any interactions outside of his duties, he projects a rough, cold exterior. He even goes as far as exiling himself, which further lends to the mysterious lone wolf persona he has adopted. This facade is obviously a guise however, as evident in his altruistic behavior. Once his icy shell has been broken, his warm nature will shine through and the courteous, cultured individual with a unique sense of humor and charm will be revealed.[/color][/indent] [color=Goldenrod][sub]H Y M N S[/sub][/color] [indent][youtube]https://youtu.be/GnoEj633C0g[/youtube][/indent] [color=Goldenrod][sub]W O R D O F C O D E[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray][/color][/indent] [/hider]