[Center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/CTBqTz2.png [/img] [Sub])))Slipping back into things((([/Sub] [/center] [@Ariamis] [@Majoras End] [@Asuras] Had it been any ordinary situation FanFan might have had a point, as neither Sakura nor Violet had any real protection from the cold outside the innate magical protection their transformed states provided, which wasn’t all that much. But this wasn’t an ordinary situation as both of them had been grounded for months and their magic was restless thus any discomfort from the freezing cold was easily ignored. Not that the sisters were going to explain that, [color=pink]”It’s not too bad”[/color] Sakura would say instead, shrugging as she did. [color=pink]“The outfits aren’t as breezy as they look.”[/color] She would walk closer to FanFan and Ceila [color=pink]“Are you sure that you don’t need any more help?”[/color] She would ask kindly and, though it barely bleed into her voice, Celia could feel a surprising about of anticipation bubbling up in both Sakura and Violet. [color=pink]“Our magic tends to be surprisingly capable if you know the magic words.”[/color] Sakura would explain with a shy smile that spoke of a playful secret. Violet for her part simply sauntered towards Dawn, getting very close to the no depowered girl [color=slateblue]“Come on now no need to be so hostile”[/color] She would say with a sharp smirk as she started to circle the girl [color=slateblue]“The offer of help isn’t only for her ya know?”[/color] Violet would eventually come back around to face Dawn, locking gazes with her once she did. [color=slateblue]“Besides our kind of help doesn’t come up very often, could very well be a once in a life time opportunity for you.”[/color] [color=pink]“Violet”[/color] Came as a stern warning from Sakura, the soft spoken girl giving her sister a look. For a moment the sisters would look at each other a silent conversation flowing back and forth between the two of them. [color=slateblue]“Fine”[/color] Violet would say with a sigh as she retreated a step giving Dawn her personal space back. [color=pink]“You’ll have to forgive my sister”[/color] Sakura would say as she turned back to the two girls she had been talking with. [color=pink]“She’s a bit antsy from us being grounded for so long.“[/color] [color=slateblue]“That said perhaps you’ve heard of us?”[/color] Violet would ask the group at large [color=slateblue]“Me and Sakura have assisted Beacon with our help once before after all”[/color] She would go on to say as she leaned on her back foot and crossed her arms [color=slateblue]“We are the Djinn sisters, which means you might be able to figure out the kind of help we are offering”[/color] She’d reveal that with a wide, almost taunting, grin. Sakura would simply pout for a moment, she had been looking forward to the normal games that the sisters would play when they meet new people, but she had been the one to get Violet to relax so they didn't scare off this group so perhaps it was for the best to be a bit more direct this time.