[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=FFD9E9]Allison Andrews[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f2/74/b7/f274b7733b25defd9c5ef7c99efb2935.gif[/img] [I][color=FFD9E9]Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 1) Skills: N/A[/color][/I][/center] [hr][hr] Allison was mildly impressed as the robotic man began to relay his history with their Disaster Room voice, or Danger as he called it. And she thought it was kind of cute how he referred to himself as "self" all the time. Though Allison had to agree with Guin's sentiments. What were the odds they would find someone like him all the way on Galactus' ship? Still, one did not look a gift horse in the mouth. If he could help them, they would need him. [color=FFD9E9]"Not to mention those other aliens. Mary and Beth transported into their room so now they now we are out and about and might not take too kindly to our interfering on this ship. Just a thought."[/color] She waited to see what the robot could do and she would help. [color=FFD9E9]"We have abilities of our own if that helps you in any way. I can see the future, and apparently the past sometimes now, as well as telekinesis. She can manipulate plants, she can manipulate shadows and is clairvoyant, he can run super-fast, and she can swap minds and is telepathic. So yeah, pretty cool set of skills here."[/color] Allison rocked back and forth on her feet. [color=FFD9E9]"Oh! And we have Iron Man suits. I don't know the full extent to what they can do, but Iron Man is pretty fricken' awesome so I assume they can do something cool."[/color] [hr][hr] [center][color=ED455F][h1]Sara Grey[/h1][/color] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/26FeTWLTj50f2om6Q/giphy.gif[/img] [I][color=ED455F]Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 3) Skills: N/A[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] The in-fighting in their group was reaching a point that could be considered "bad". She knew she had handled the situation with Mary before poorly, though she still held that she was right, this was not good either. They had to work together if they wanted to succeed here. [color=ED455F]"Look, guys, we need to work together if we want to get through this. We don't need bickering or fighting and I know that sounds rich coming from me. Look how we handled that gorilla situation back there. That was epic! So, let's try to continue understanding that we are on the same team."[/color] She shrugged, looking over at the two girls. She didn't know how to respond as Mira used sound waves to determine where to go. Sara, also, had admittedly not known she could do that. [color=ED455F]"Ok. That was cool. Good use of powers there Mira."[/color] Sara soon followed behind her. [color=ED455F]"Iris, you're new to the group so I imagine there's a lot you don't know about us all. I can fill you in for me. Name's Sara. Power is replication. I like rock music, crazy fashion, and being sarcastic. Oh and Neil is my boyfriend, so hand's off."[/color] The last part was a joke. She didn't even know if Iris was into guys, but it didn't hurt to say it out loud. She still enjoyed hearing it.