[@Piercing Light] [img]https://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/15/14249/venture.jpg[/img] [b]Vaathkree Trade Corridor-Orbit over Chrona[/b] To anyone who was familiar with the menacing design of any of the four variants of the Star Destroyer type dreadnaughts, the crimson painted, gaudy vessel might have looked like a mockery of the form. a large fleet of merchant ships and transport shuttles buzzed around her like a swarm of nagging birds while paint and maintenance droids accompanied by exasperated technicians did zero G walks along her hull, making sure frivolity, alcohol and generous helpings of Narcotics which often culminated in "near misses" and outright crashes along the surface of the vessel by everything from zero G speeders to drones piloted by drunks to, once or twice a shuttle. Went about their daily work of inspection, repair and touch ups. Several of her weapons ports were gun replaced by holoprojectors that rented out add space for some of the galaxy's largest fast food chains and clothing lines. One add for something called "The Combine Honred, Orderum Advanced Mercantiles" with horrendous spelling clearly written by a drunken Hutt danced in dangerously bright rainbow colors depicting Twi'lik dancers gyrating. Allegedly it was the first "legitimate" line of adult oriented entertainment corporations managed by one of the many displaced, minor Hutt Kajidics who were driven out when the Zann Consortium and Black Sun managed their conquest of Hutt Space (A thing that shocked the Galaxy, a thing unprecedented in Galactic history which cemented both organizations as dangerous powers on par with the New Republic or the Empire of Zsinj). Hutts going "legit" and actually bothering to respect intergalactic law was a sign of the times many said, and not a good sign. True to the Muuns word, Talon Karrde made them wait, one day passed into two, two into three. For neither he nor Booster terrik ever descended from the command suites to interact with the Republic heroes despite entertaining guests from the Pentastar Alignment, from a hundred different independent warlords and from a Throneworld belonging to some member of an exiled noble family who set up shop in wildspace and was among the few out there who could safely navigate through the mess of black holes and gravitational anomalies that made ordinary trade fleets impossible. One might have taken this to be dismissive or a sign of contempt towards the New Jedi Order, yet the Galactic PeaceKeepers were surrounded by a veritable gold mine, a treasure trove of information and sentients from so many different worlds and so many different factions that it was more akin to a gift. Karrde allowing them to play the role of listeners, perhaps form contacts with people in the myriad of stellar nations that were rising now out of the ruins of the Empire. A gift bestowed rarely and if squandered would do more damage to their prospects of getting what they really wanted than anything else. Keen eyes observed them, testing their resourcefulness and intelligence. The Albino Wookie was probably one of the nicer pimps in the galaxy and two of his former prostitutes served as gourmet chefs in some of the highest level eateries on Coruscant and Alsaka respectively, here his hookers doubled as cooks. Most of the brothels interior was wood carved and filled with plants that had traditionally adorned Jedi temples and were strong with the force. The Wookie Ryshur as he called himself, explained that he had been a detective on Coruscant before he became an architect, before he became a pimp and after working on a rather controversial case with Master Yoda nearly two centuries ago. The diminutive Grand Master took to inviting Ryshur to the temple to play games of strategy and discuss the affairs of the day. The relationship kept Yoda informed of the going ons within Coruscant itself on "smaller scale" than a Grand Master of the Jedi Order might ordinarily receive and the Wookie developed an interest in gardening and architecture. How that led Ryshur to becoming was anyone's guess as he said nothing on the matter. Deck thirty was indeed a place of pro fighting where several fights were held in those seventy two hours as it had been some kind of important local festival. Among the victors was a seemingly youngish Hutt of orange colored skin who was built like a mountain who managed to win nine bouts before being defeated in "Honorable" combat by a female Chiss in the crimson color of Zsinj's raptors. It was nearly night on the third day, when a large man with a barrel chest and a woodsman's beard, adorned in a green tunic with armor over his chest and a large stimulant stick in his mouth walked into the brothel, he was flanked by two "escorts" who looked like overworked secretaries but had dangerous eyes. the Wookie let out a roar of greeting and the two embraced before telling a series of jokes obscene enough to count as a crime on a few of the more prudish inner rim worlds. "but enough about hobbies Ryshur! I wanna see the free loaders! HEY JEDI!" The man boomed boisterously. Booster Terrik, smuggler, hustler, occasional pirate turned New Republic privateer who'd gone down in history as the man who managed to capture an Imperial Star Destroyer [i]and keep it[/i]. While ostensibly independent, he was more akin to Karrde's right hand than anything else.