[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=F0B6E5]Georgina Locke[/color][/b][/h3] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/m5XLdqPIw9co8/source.gif[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=F0B6E5]Location:[/color][/b] Compartment 3 [b][color=F0B6E5]Magic:[/color][/b] N/A [/center][hr] The Trolly Witch just didn't see reason. Before Georgina could protest, everyone, more or less in their own regards, had ceased. Bollocks, she didn't want to make it worse. Mary slid past her without so much as a nod or a smile. Georgina shrugged her shoulders and returned to her compartment with her friends. [color=F0B6E5]"You're welcome, by the way. Let it never be said I do not help a friend in need."[/color] She knew she might have made matters worse, but it was something she stood for regardless. It was something her father instilled in her. Be there for others, do not back down. As she sat, she handed out the treats she bought for Mary and Artemis while they were gone, just as Artemis was bouncing in his seat almost about the Celestial Ball. Crikey, now she would have to think about that this year too. Getting dressed up. And she'd have to find a date! Who would ask her? Did she hope for someone to or go with one of her friends? [color=F0B6E5]"That sounds wicked! What muggle music were you thinking though?"[/color] She didn't want just any old music there. Plus, would faculty allow it? It didn't matter much anyway. She was right where she had wanted to be all summer, packed up with her friends on her way to Hogwarts.