Leaf... Leaf fell to the ground as the explosion shook the earth. She screamed in fear, covering her head with her arms. What the heck just happened?! An explosion? That was way bigger than any normal explosion from a Pokemon. She raised her head after a second and looked in the direction of the explosion, seeing smoke rising into the air. The first thought that came to her head was about the people and Pokemon that must be there. With a slight grunt of pain, she pushed herself up off the ground and ran towards the source, brushing dirt off her clothes. It looked like it came from Route 22... Chad... Chad stumbled from the explosion, barely managing to keep his footing. Was that...an explosion? Was there a Pokemon battle going on? He saw the smoke off in the distance amd immediately knew that was wrong. He took off towards Route 22, but he was by far the farthest away of the three trainers.