[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmYwMTcwYS5WR2hsSUZCeVlXTjBhV05oYkEsLC4yAAAA/shlop.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][sub]Time: 11:46 - Staging Grounds[/sub][/center] Varis whipped around at Count Benjamin's voice, a sharp retort detailing how ludicrous his idea sounded when Manuel's voice once again rang through the clearing. [color=EA4AFA] "Alright, ladies and gentlemen, the last of the enchantments have gone out fourteen minutes early! That means you'll get some extra time to complete your exam. In just a moment, a mage will approach you. Please make sure you and your partner remain close and in contact so that no one gets accidently separated mid teleport."[/color] He explained as mages in emerald robes started to walk down the line. Further down, a familiar vampire tossing a pineapple clung stubbornly to a female mage who blurred for a moment with a sigh. The vampire tumbled through her, fumbling with the pineapple as he fell, and curled around it protectively. She seemed unfazed and proceeded to the nearest pair. [color=EA4AFA] "Now remember. Your timer starts the second you appear in the forest. Return here by six am and you'll have passed. Completing additional challenges will earn you a higher grade. If you do not return by six am, you will be magically returned and you will receive a failing mark.[/color] A mage stood in front of each of the pairs, a finger tracing a symbol in front if the air slowly. [color=deepskyblue] "Alhinc ieclei vadete. Magua salituen in usque mundadi salituen, et te teraga."[/color] As they completed their spell, the colors around the pairs brightened uncomfortably for a moment vanishing like a candle blown out. For a brief moment, nothing seemed to exist. All sense of time and space and feeling disappeared. No noises came from the darkness, even when they tried to make them. A chill, far colder than what they had experienced, seeped into their bones immediately. It lasted only an instant before suddenly light and sound and feeling returned in a dizzying array. Everything seemed overwhelming for a moment before they adjusted to the world again. None of the others could be seen from here and only a wooden sign artfully embedded in the trunk of a tree provided any sign of civilization. Trees towered around them, moonlight filtering down through the canopy just barely illuminating the ground. Vines and roots and other things covered the forest floor. Above the sign, a simple design of the four directions gave the pairs a way to find their direction. [hider=Max/Eris Sign] Turn noon to midnight to find your way beneath the moonlit sky.[/hider] [hider=Lilie/Ben Sign] That way which vampires' bane does slumber is your first step.[/hider] [hider=Salem/Victor Sign] Sunflowers do say goodbye to their sovereign in the sky each time it rests its head. Follow their whispers to find your stead.[/hider] [hider=Maddie/Amaris] The compass spins and spins and spins and spins until it finds your heading.[/hider] [hider=Aaron/Varis] Dancing lights in the sky illuminate the way. Follow them closely and you'll find your way.[/hider]