Riley was quiet as he walked past groups of chattering people. He wandered and eventually found himself in a secluded area that seemed familiar. There was a small memorial that had a scratched out image and no name. He kept having these feelings of deja vu since he moved. Riley also kept hearing noises in the old house that he apparently used to live in and odd dreams involving water. He was suddenly thrown out of his thoughts by the sound of bare feet on grass. He ran back home in a panic from the noises. When he was back home, he assessed who he saw. She looked so familiar. Her brownish-black hair was the first noticeable thing since it seemed like it was soaking wet, like she had just gotten out of a pool. Her eyes though stood out. They were dull as if all the light had disappeared from her eyes. Riley sighed heading up to his bedroom. He was annoyed because someone had shoved him while he was walking earlier but also terrified because of that girl. He closed his eyes and dozed off and had a horrific dream of that girl slitting the throat of the person who shoved him. He woke up, terrified from the dream. There was then a knock on the front door. He was home alone so he went downstairs and answered the door. A police officer stood there. "Excuse me, young man, sorry to intrude but there was a murder nearby," the officer explained. Riley trembled and spoke nervously, "W-what happened?" The officer sighed and explained, "Someone who lives alone nearby had their throat cut wide open. They had no one to witness the crimes and the security cameras they had was nothing." "I'm sorry to hear that... I was upstairs taking a nap, most likely when it happened," Riley explained. The officer nodded and left and Riley shut the front door. Riley went to his bedroom and started to panic. He's quickly became aware of a book on his dresser. When he went to examine it, he realized it was an album and in it was pictures of him with that girl. He recognized his handwriting under one of the picture which stated, "Just me and Winter" which caused Riley to feel sick to his stomach. Memories came flooding back of what happened and who she was. That girl he was in the woods was his girlfriend, Winter, and she drowned in an accident at the beach. He looked away from the book and saw her again. She smiled at him and spoke softly, "You remember me again... I'm so glad..." "W-wait you're a murderer! You killed that person!" Riley exclaimed in realization. Winter smirked slightly before speaking in that same soft voice, "As far as I'm concerned, you are the murderer in this situation..." Riley trembled heavily and asked, "What do you mean?" "That dream you had... while you saw me as the killer, it was your body that was doing the killing..." Riley whimpered slightly before Winter spoke again, "But don't worry... with me around, the police has no evidence against you... and that way we will be together forever..." Winter giggled and wrapped Riley up in a hug. "You'll never leave me or forget me again, Riley... I love you too much to let you go..."