[hider=Tas][center][img]Character Text Header[/img] [img]https://cdn.onebauer.media/one/empire-tmdb/people/1059597/profiles/yyRRp1yjVtyxURyw8wo0Bliu1Gv.jpg?quality=50&width=700&ratio=1-1&resizeStyle=aspectfit&format=jpg[/img][/center] [color=20B2AA]Name[/color] [indent]Tasma Darwin Jones[/indent] [color=20B2AA]Nickname[/color] [indent]Tas[/indent] [color=20B2AA]Age[/color] [indent]Nineteen[/indent] [color=20B2AA]Gender[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=20B2AA]Sexuality[/color] [indent]Bi-curious, but that little secret isn't out.[/indent] [color=20B2AA]Current Injuries[/color] [indent]Several small scrapes across her forehead and the right side of her jaw; large open gash along her right ribs; dislocated right knee.[/indent] [color=20B2AA]Appearance Details[/color] [list][*][b]Hair:[/b] Brown | Wavy, shoulder length | Usually up in a high pony, or just pinned away from her face [*][b]Eyes:[/b] Hazel [*][b]Height:[/b] Five feet, three inches. [*][b]Body Type:[/b] Lean, athletic build. [*][b]Makeup Wise:[/b] Very rare to use more than eyeliner and gloss. When a special night out, will usually wear a full face, yet light. [*][b]Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings:[/b] Small [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/e1/89/1f/e1891f7d761e7cbda38211c265a0c697--sport-tattoos-mini-tattoos.jpg]tattoo[/url] honoring Hermes, the god of speed on her right foot, and the rod of asclepius [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/25/73/b7/2573b724f94a7a51bfd49e094b353337--asclepius-tattoo-lady.jpg]tattooed[/url] on her left foot. Various scars adorning her legs due to her relay days.[/list] [color=20B2AA]Personality Traits[/color] [indent]Pros: Team player, adventurous, confident, persistent. Cons: Sarcastic, impulsive, inpatient.[/indent] [color=20B2AA]Biography[/color] [indent]Tasma was born on 22 April 2001 in Gympie, Queensland, Austrailia to single mother and archaeologist Matilda Jones. The young girl routinely occupied her mother on digs where her passion for medicine stemmed. She was determined to help heal people before they ended up as only bones in the soil. In high school, Tas joined track and became fully involved with the relay team, eventually earning a scholarship to USC, the University of the Sunshine Coast where she studies nursing. Tas didn't really know her father until she turned eighteen. It was on her birthday that she was contacted by Jeremy Huntsworth, a curator for the Oakland Museum of California. He had offered an open invitation for his daughter to visit at anytime. It wasn't until last month that she had finally accepted. After a successful meeting, Tasma boarded the plane back home to school.[/indent] [color=20B2AA]Family[/color] [indent]Only child to mother Matilda Jones and father Jeremy Hunstworth.[/indent] [color=20B2AA]Misc.[/color] [indent]Very new to nursing school, so skills are lackluster. Knows the basics. Zoey Deutch | 20B2AA 'I Hope' by Gabby Barrett[/indent][/hider]