The cat watched the others with careless boredom. Yawning with obvious distaste in their squabbles as her eyes bounced from the oni, to the rat, to vampire, to the drow. Noire sprawled out on her rock just as the real excitement started. Packs of wolves coming from every direction, to which many responded. Some fought back; but some, like the rat, caught the cat's attention as they scurried off. However that still wasn't enough to capture Noire's attention, especially now that she had just made herself comfortable. Instead, there she laid, watching the group of puppies explode into misshapen monstrosities. A sound caught her attention, coming from behind her. One of the wolves had spotted her and had made its way over in hopes to make short work of an easy prisoner. Earning an irksome glare for involving her in the mess. The cold eyes, hungry for the dog's demise staring the wolf down would've been a warning if it wasn't also the last thing it would see. Immediately pouncing upon the would-be assassin and knocking the beast to the ground. Not a chance would be given for the dog to speak before a large claw wold force itself upon the meaty throat; pinning it to stone. Trails of crimson would leak where the claws punctured the flesh; effortlessly breaking the tough skin, but she was smart enough not to crush him completely. Not yet. Instead, Noire would start with the dog's arms. String from the cat's own arm would wind itself around the dog's shoulders. Twisting and contorting his limbs until his bones broke and muscles tore. Toxin, all the while, leaking out to keep him from screaming; paralyzing him with a mind-numbing neuroleptic and set his mental-state aflame. More string winding its way across its body, tightening itself around a broken form and left collapsed on the ground. A trail of her toxin dripping off the bundle of bound fur from an excessive dosage. [color=DarkOrchid]"Hmm-nya? How bold of you. Sleep now, for you're going to not be able to once this fight is over. I'll make sure of it."[/color] The cat turned her angry gaze away from the pathetic dog and back to the rest of the cavern. Another creature had joined the room, this one hiding behind a rock, gazing outward. Noire was already bored of her perch and playing with the dogs as well; dragging her prey with her as she stalked the woman. Each sharp rock and jump crashing into her captive in spite; even if he was too far out of it to feel anything at this point. Her sharp, blood-hungry eyes didn't calm as she padded silently behind the asian woman. A good distance of separation given between the cat and the rest of her string/arm holding the wolf down. [color=DarkOrchid]"Enjoying the view, nya~? Its not every day monsters brawl on such a large scale and women appear from the lake. I'd go poke her instead, but I'd rather not get my fur wet just yet. It's a long way out of the Abyss to get water trapped in your boots so early."[/color]