[color=khaki]"Understood."[/color] Griz said as he tried to settle more comfortably to his stack of hay draped with the fur of a couple of goats, he called a bed. Even with the treatment of the healer, Griz was almost sure that he'd be bedridden for at least a week or so before he'd be able to function at full capacity again. Considering that he almost hunted on a daily basis, he felt a little awkward to be not able to hunt for at least seven days. But he reaps what he sows. [color=khaki]"I'm gonna rest for a while. If you need me, wake me up."[/color] And with that Griz shut his eyes and did his best to relax. The healer was to leave the hut first, telling Griz that he should rest and focus on healing up. Then the guard goblin, still upset for what Griz did, left wordlessly back to his own hut to rest and think about things. [hr] Though unknown to them, there was another listener. An ambitious and aspiring warrior happened to pass by at the right time...and from what he heard that necklace they were talking about would be his golden goose to more power and more personal glory. With a thin but wicked smile plastered on his face, he walks away. Formulating plans to take the necklace, whether Griz was willing or not.