[center][h2] Vette [/h2][/center] As the Shadow Stalker flies stealthily down towards the planet, avoiding the ancient ship, I watch our sensors. “So far, so good. Luckily, ships this small aren’t expected to have cloaking devices, so they aren’t on the lookout for us.” [center][h2] Salazar Greshh [/h2][/center] “But cloaks like this take a lot of power to maintain. We won’t have shields or weapon functions until the cloak drops.” [center][h2] Vette [/h2][/center] “Well then it’s a good thing the point of a cloak is to avoid a fight. We don’t need shields or weapons if they don’t spot us.” We fly down towards the abandoned Imperial base. Since the war, much of the area seems to have been retaken by the land. Much of the buildings and machinery is layered in ice and snow, and a few of the local animals roam nearby. But, as the ship comes close, most of them scatter and run away.