Tyrael looked to Gossk seeing that the Size Shift spell worked without any issue. [color=00a651]”Practice.”[/color] Was all Tyrael said in regards to where he got his magic powers from. And it wasn’t entirely untrue. But it also wasn't important right now. The girls began to speak among themselves and fortunately one of them knew how to operate the skiff. [color=00a651]”Good. Than you get on the boat when it’s free, and make prepared to leave. I will repair the vessel.”[/color] While Gossk was moving the skiff, Tyrael looked skeptically at Lynn’s water Orb. He knew there were a variety of healing Magics, and Tyrael could certainly use a bath right a little now, but he was also uncomfortable about how she may potentially drown him in a conveniently head size ball of water. He didn’t say anything of course and simply tells Zastrial, who has remained invisible, to watch Lynn and prepare for any treachery. Afterwards Tyrael walked into the water orb for whatever Lynn plans on doing. [color=00a651]”This is... Strange.”[/color]