Garret's eyes glazed over as the walking irritant in front of him responded. And responded. In all likelihood it was not terribly long of a response, but all the same it was too long and entirely bothersome, full of the self importance that Garret suspected would drive him mad by the end of his time in Canada. It really would have been better if he could have kept himself from opening his mouth, but he'd have to deal with it now if he was still going to repay the kindness that was shown to him. [color=white][b]"Rachel Crenshaw, by the way."[/b][/color] And then her hand was in his face. Glancing up at Rachel, the world coming back into focus Garret could see that at some point in all of this the bitch had stopped to check her bloody phone. She was either incredibly incompetent at reducing heated situations or deliberately trying to piss him off. Garret chose to act as if the latter was true. [color=fff200]"Sorry."[/color] Garret said straightening up in his seat. [color=fff200]"Got bored during your answer."[/color] Her hand was left to hang there.