[h1]【William Silverstar】[/h1] 【The Lost Cause】 [color=C0C0C0]"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!!!!"[/color] Was the only thing heard from the fourth floor boarding room. William had just gotten up, made breakfast, and was planning to have a good day. That WAS until his phone started blowing up. Lets go back a few moments, shall we? After shooting down the last bits of his orange juice, WIlliam went to his room to get changed for the day to come. It was festival day, after all. The school asked William to perform for the new students coming in to Alexandrina Prep. William was a third year in Alex Prep and was already widely known for being a musical genius. He is a skilled vocalist, as well as proficient in the guitar, drums, piano, bass, and violin. After all, he was the son of Mark Silverstar. Once he reached his room, William checked his phone. Normally, he would be seeing a wallpaper of his mother and father on their wedding day, but today all he saw was notifications from his social media accounts.Confused, William checked his instagram. There were twenty new followers in the span of five minutes. Though he had a pretty solid following on social media, he never had this fast of growth in such a short period. This is the point in the story where William’s day starts to spiral downwards. He got a message from his friend, Nicholas, through Instagram. I will just let the picture tell what happened… [url]https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xs9JSNouJ8SSqhsFG8Nr6UY-wMXy6sbS/view?usp=sharing[/url] Now we resume to the present moment… [color=C0C0C0]"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!!!!"[/color] This was bad, really bad. Somehow, William has attracted the attention of little Ms. Headass. Better yet, she has dirt on him. He better go down to the fairgrounds to see this with his own eyes. XXXXXXXXXXX Once he got here, a crowd instantly surrounded him. Taking pictures, asking how he new Ms. Fortune, you name it, they were doing it. This peeved William to no one. Once he managed to get to the billboard, he saw it with his own eyes. There, clear as day, was his picture with the label “The lost cause” under it. This infuriated the musician to no end. What pissed him off more was that there were more of them. Some with good nicknames, some with bad. [color=C0C0C0]"Who in their right minds would do this?"[/color] William mutters to himself. He scans the festival around him, looking to see if there was anyone else in this so called “Elites” that he could find.