As they were making their way to the cave the ground began to shake a little bit. " all feel that?" Jaune asked. "Yeah.......that doesn't sound good either." Genya responded with as he heard something coming towards them from inside the cave. Just a few seconds later a giant scorpion Grimm and rushing out. Using its stinger it impaled one of the soldiers through the chest and flung him who knows where. The giant scorpion alerted the two Beowulf Grimms from the trees. "Ah shit! Just what we need now." The scorpion took a swing at Genya but the hunter quickly deflected the stinger with his sword. Meanwhile back at Vale castle there was a new problem. Ruby was gone. The guard had taken his eyes off her for just a minute and within that sixty seconds she had managed to sneak out through the window. "The princess is going to kill me." The guard said.