[quote=@Guy of Z] [center][b]New Republic Defense Force Fleet undisclosed location[/b][/center] “I keep telling you Holdo don’t kriff with it it could be anything here.” “The Republic pays you to do odd jobs not give advice to Mr Sun jr.” “Stop calling me that retarded nickname its not cute.” “I’ll call you what I want so far Merc, this is my ship; my mission and we need everything we can get against the several dozen warlords and the mainstream Empire.” “Look...Vice Admiral…(Why the kriff is a Vice Admiral in charge not a real one) I don’t know what the hell is in these pods, the datafiles said they look like that thing on Yavin that kriffed up the base there before before it took off into space. You really wanna risk that?” “Don’t tell me what I'm willing to risk Mr Merc, we fight every day for your enterprise.” “I have a name Vice Admiral please use it.” Earhen couldn’t believe the nerve of this woman, if he wasn’t keeping his stuff secret he'd go off about how much bad shit was put into the Emperors storehouses, he'd know he had to collect some of the spast stored in them he had to collect them. Of course they never told him the exact locations he had to do the digging on his own for thule along with finding some Imperial Guard and making them “cooperate”. “Kriff you don’t know what's in it, help me out here guys!” (He has a point you know there were Blackhole Stormtroopers and everything.) “Look bunny boys I get you were sent by Mon Mothma to monitor this kid but please know your place here. I know what Im doing” (Excuse me? Just because you are a biped with opposable thumbs doesn't make you better than us nor does it give you the right to snap at us for relying information Ma'am.) “No offense intended but before the Alliance found your planet you were off living in caves feeding off of energy. You haven’t seen the galaxy like my people have and its challenges you simple little guys should know a star destroyer is more dangerous than a Silvyth or a uh “Darker”.” “Look Holdo before you cause an international incident on top of a kriffing disaster in your own ship just listen to me for five seconds. Something bad will come out of that pod if you open it I know what I'm talking about.” “Zip it.” “God you are gonna get us all killed…” “Open the smaller pod first.” Holdo commanded her soldiers to begin prying it open. After a few minutes of tampering with the controls it opened revealing a clone of Jango Fett. “Oh a clone stormtrooper, be sure to throw it into the brig when it wakes up.” “Lucky try this time Holdo don’t be stupid here.” “I'm opening it mercenary, you can leave if you’re so scared.” “And miss the chance to watch you die?” [@SansTheMedic] [/quote] Almost as soon as that last sentence was finished, Holdo would find the barrel of a DP-23 shotgun pressed to her temple, the clone's eyes open and staring coldly at her through the visor of the salmon-highlighted helmet. [u]SEVERAL YEARS PRIOR[/u] "You understand your objective, soldier?" The officer across the table asked as CT-6871, codename Carter, made some final preperations on his equipment. [color=f7976a]"I am to act as a bodyguard to the entity known as Vehia under the orders of chancellor palpatine, with a cover of being a member of the Couroscant guard. I am to accept orders from either the chancellor or the girl in my charge and nobody else. I am to ensure her nature is not revealed to anyone at all costs, and ensure that if any spills occur to mop it up appropriately. Is that correct, sir?"[/color] Carter asked as he slid his weaponary into the appropriate slots on his armour before putting his phase ii helmet on "Correct. You will be entering cryo-statis inside the storage facility Vehia is being kept in and will be thawed out upon the opening of either of your pods. You will most likely be woken either by one of our own or by the chancellor himself." [color=f7976a]"And if I am not, sir?"[/color] "How you approach that and any similar situation is up to you. You'll be acting under your own instinct and wit for the most part, 6871." [color=f7976a]"Understood, sir."[/color] [u]PRESENT DAY[/u] Carter could tell quite easily that this wasn't someone who was supposed to have woken him, unless things had changed [i]significantly[/i] while he had been in cryo stasis. However he could also tell that this place was not where he had been stored, so there was a likelyhood that he was in potentially hostile territory. Still, his gun was up and inches from the oddly-haired woman's face, and he was gonna be very concice with his words. No point in not making himself clear to these people. [color=f7976a]"I don't want to start a fight if I don't need to"[/color] he says slowly, voice level and deliberate, [color=f7976a]"But you aren't what I expected to see when I went into stasis so you best tell me who you are. Any bullshitting and I [i]will[/i] blast you, and you don't contend with clones when it comes to making a good shot."[/color]