[hider=Thaa][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/qI0IA2q.png[/img] [color=Gold][b]Primordial or Conceptual:[/b][/color] Primordial [color=Gold][b]Domain:[/b][/color] Death. Although those who have limited scope and vision may see it as the ultimate end, perfect destruction, Thaa knows better. Thaa is a deity most attuned and in command of the aspects of things that continue on after that which is alive has departed. Separate from the passage between Life and Death, Thaa holds power of that which is dead, that which is separate and distinct from life and all that lives. Thaa has great control over many aspects of existence past life. [color=Gold][b]Portfolio:[/b][/color] Afterlife. When things die, that which continues must go somewhere, beyond the numerous fields and masses of those who still live. It is Thaa who guides, who protects, who houses these souls after they have died and passed beyond the veil into the realm of Death. Thaa holds great power over these souls, it would be almost impossible for a mortal to resist his will on their own, and difficult but far from impossible for another deity to contest him over the souls of the dead. [color=Gold][b]Realm:[/b][/color] Aquibeophates. A realm of mist and unending towers, a field of stone that stretches onwards for seemingly forever anchors the towers. If one tries to venture too far into the mists one will find themselves where they started before too long. Aquibeophates is not quite like the physical realms of Galbar, its rules are different and sometimes strange. One cannot get much of anywhere unless they know where they are going first. Although if one knows what they want, and where they need to go, it is not difficult to find oneself there. Although servants of Thaa may traverse and move along the towers, they do not care much for the living. For mortals, one typically should have the protection of a god or to leave very quickly indeed if they seek to leave at all. Aquibeophates is a place souls come to stay and rest, it is not well suited to those who wish to stay particularly alive. [color=Gold][b]Persona:[/b][/color] Thaa is rude, short-tempered, and most would describe him, if they were free from consequences, as a dick. He shows a generally arrogant attitude on the value of most living things, and an extremely possessive disposition towards anything that has died. Thaa also shows a sometimes disturbing lack of introspection. Despite all that, Thaa doesn’t hold much ill will towards most of anything. His disregard of life stems in part that he considers it inferior to what he can do in death towards those masses, namely peaceful, pleasant rest, free from fear and harm. Thaa considers it his duty to have death be better than life, because for him it is and others must be made aware that he is right. Thaa is and will act as quite the jerk, but he does not truly hold malicious intent towards anything that has not slighted him, and even then his temper while burning hot, does not last long. [color=Gold][b]Base Form:[/b][/color] Thaa’s base form is that of a massive singular eye, emplaced in a disk that radiates spikes. [color=Gold][b]Domain Form:[/b][/color] The Domain form of Thaa takes his base form as a kind of mask for a gigantic body of what would appear to be corpses of every and any thing that lives, although they merely are the form of Thaa. This body has a degree of malleability, moving the ‘bodies’ as it were into different configurations. [color=Gold][b]Avatar:[/b][/color] The Avatar of Thaa are Kiim’Jaav’Guul. They are three in the body of one, each a snake’s head, Kiim, Jaav, and Guul. Kiim’Jaav’Guul has three snakeheads at the end of three necks that meet a scaled body. Four legs ending in clawed feet as well as a long tail mark their body. Although quadrupedal, they are capable of standing on their hind legs. While looking quite bestial in nature, Kiim’Jaav’Guul are quite capable of speaking and are fond of doing so at some length when roused. Kiim’Jaav’Guul are not precisely motivated individuals and as a collective can find quite the reason to delay any kind of activity, although Thaa would not let them do so for very long had he a purpose in mind. Most relevant to most mortals, Kiim’Jaav’Guul are not very healthy to be around for any extended period of time, one typically finds most living creatures near Kiim’Jaav’Guul do not live as long as they might otherwise. Most tend to wither away for seemingly no cause, no great pain or damage accompanies them, there just seems to be less cause and will to live. Fortunately for a great many, Kiim’Jaav’Guul do not typically find life to be all that pleasant, although wishing to go to Aquibeophates, they make do with regions not so afflicted with the most egregious forms of life. Although Thaa is less than likely to allow them to do as they would wish. [/center][/hider]