[@Sadi] sorry to hear that. Hope you are feeling better. I was about to suggest to Luna that we start off and maybe it would take off lol. But I still wonder if you will accept a Dragon Rider who has Harper training? Below is a quick summary of my character: Kemp is an energetic and studious Harper who loves history and lore. He was the perfect Harper candidate as he loves to study but his voice is ok. This has caused him to be more employed in biding and caring for the vast libraries of Harper Halls rather than actually as part of a choir. He ends up being at the right place at the right time as he becomes the apprentice of a Journeyman Harper who is visiting one of the Weyrs, Probably Benden, and just happens to be at the time of a hatching. He is in the audience enjoying the show when he accidentally impresses a brown. What do you think?