POTENTIAL 0 Sara turns. If she was on camera right now, it might be commented how uncanny it is that she’s mirroring the famous shot in [i]CAMELOT SUPERS Z: FIREHEART[/i]. (It’s subconscious. Errant insisted on that being a movie night, as it combined two of her favorite things: “historical supers” narratives and knights in shining armor. Lancelot is portrayed as Arthur’s equivalent of a corporate champion, with Guinevere as his handler who falls for him despite herself. And the scene where the friar arrives with Gwen’s message to Lancelot, and the knight turns from prayer with the intensity of a burning-eyed tiger, and Euna’s fingers closing excitedly on her arm...) “Tell me everything,” she says. She still doesn’t [i]see[/i] the familiar bone structure. Partially because of the woad, and partially because her mind has become a needle, an arrow, focused on [i]Errant’s in danger.[/i]