... Down the other agonising stairs... Yep... That's... Done... ... Great.... Across the galley... Damn, the cupboard catch had come undone and the cans were all over...... Were..... The shaking had stopped? And they were outside the medbay? He must have blacked out for most of the walk, which was a blessing [color=violet]"The shaking's stopped, doc..."[/color] he mumbled, and realised he hadn't really stopped mumbling the whole way. Damn this stuff was strong, [color=violet]"You need to keep these drugs away from Teg, doc, or she'll use up your supply in an evening."[/color] was what he wanted to say, but instead it came out something unintelligible like [color=violet]"Bloo meeb moo breeb-"[/color] he stopped and thought better than trying to finish the sentence. But by the time the thought had processed he'd said the sentence anyway. Kai was having trouble with the door it seemed. Kevej knew he'd be no help, and did his best to try and stand on his own. He supposed the one bonus to being senseless was that he had no idea how badly he'd done at that. Before Kev realised it he was lying down on the bed, which helped him swallow some of the excess fluid in his mouth nearly allowing speech. [color=violet]"Damn, doc..."[/color] Nope, he couldn't think of anything to say. Nothing. That was disappointing. [color=violet]"Oo's Mister Sloddigger?"[/color] WAIT A MINUTE. Part of his brain shouted, YOU'RE IN A CRITICAL CONDITION AND DRUGGED TO HELL AND BACK HERE, MR. VIN, WHY THE HELL DO YOU FEEL THE NEED TO MAKE SMALL TALK? The voice made him flinch, all the lights seemed too bright. The cans were spilled all over the floor in the galley... “Miss Malkis’ death will not be in vain, Mister Vin'Akali.” Kai'mos said, [i]Oh yeah, and that happened. This really was the worst day of all time...[/i] “Sleep well, my friend, and let’s hope you awaken to better news...” ... ... ...