Okay i agree we should keep it open and vague on culture so we don't have to commit to one So where to start tho? Time skip clearly lol but like specifically Also can we do a tiny bit of world building at least to get our minds in the same place ( just little things ) I'm thinking... Location - Im thinking we don't determine a set real world location at all and just mix the names, races, ... species? Lol, etc together without any specifications Time era- now correct me if im wrong but it sounds kind of old like pre - middle ages even. And thats cool with me, i am also open to pretty much any time era and i am also opening to sort of mixing them a little What is the town like? - houses? Size? Reputation? Are there other towns? Are we alone in the world? Or do we even know? Idk, just some stuff to kind of get an understanding of the surroundings before i toss characters in there.