[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200129/2b530ba2297eea5b234b6eed58e3d1df.png[/img][/center] Vah'lux turned to see an unfamiliar figure going through a tattered bag full of equipment, their frame thin and lean, much more than that of a human. Angular facial features that hinted…[i]no[/i], it was clear by knife-like ears partially hidden by unkempt hair. An elf? Were they imprisoned as well? The Goliath couldn't recall a fifth prisoner, but that didn't mean one did not exist, as the stranger's race was known for their stealth and silence when it was most needed. The pseudo-giant continued fastening the leather straps, laces, and belts that kept her toughed hide armor secured to her body, making sure the cloth underwraps were flattened as to not cause discomfort while worn. The armor itself had not been with her for long, as it was created during the long journey from Thraduum, so even some adjustments were having to be continually made in order for the materials to form to her muscular physique. In anycase, it served its purpose. Gathering the remaining rations and few items that were on her person upon arrest, she stored them in the leather and fur rucksack and slung it over her shoulder before walking over to where the feral-looking Elf had been. "How are you on food supply?" Vah'lux asked, her voice a bit more husky than usual from very little conversation while incarcerated.