[@Goldeagle1221] [hider=Goldeagle - Joab-Balaam] Zee; Coming from the person that pulled K’nell of super duper well, I have no complaints or nitpicks about Joab. My only fear is that Joab becomes stale because he’s so rigid. But like I said, if anyone can make it work, it’s Gold. NF: Seems good, I approve. Capy: ✔️ Dogma -> Punishment seems okay for a theme, personality is similar to previous logic gods, which isn’t bad, its a good archetype for a character than crosses the line between keeper of the peace and evil tyrant. I think Gold has a good plan for how this character will evolve, and the avatar type seems to have become normal in this Mk so I no longer have questions about it. [/hider] [@Kho] [hider=Meghzaal - Kho] Capy: ✔️ Ink is an interesting domain, can certainly hold 3 ports and seems like a different take on a possible culture port but with more flavour. I think it's fine. Formless avatars are fine so I don’t see a problem with that. It feels like a type of character that is very flexible while staying on theme. So I am all for it. Zee; I have a very peculiar image of this character as I listened to the musical theme and read the contents of the app. I like Meghzaal, just as I’ve liked most of Kho’s works, so I might be a little biased. NF: Seems like a good idea, and fairly unique too. He’s already discussed quite a few ideas with other characters, so I think he’s good to go. [/hider]