"Okay- Okay- Okay- YOU CAN PULL IT BACK ONTO THE ROAD AT ANY TIME NOW!" "NAH- IT'S A SHORTCUT- IT-UGH! IT'S JUST A LITTLE BUMPY!" [color=silver]Screams ensued as the truck jumped along the rock infested valley of trees and springs. A roar errupted from the private in the back before instantly being cut short from passing out. [i]Bump! Bump! Bump! [b]BAM![/b][/i] Like the majestic eagle, so too did this bird of prey take flight in pursuit of its most succulent prey. Unyielding and bold, it would fly into the eye of this hurricane- much to its crew's dismay.[/color] "HOW IS THIS THING HOLDING ITSELF TOGETHER?!" "I KNOW MY TRUCK! NOW HANG ON!" "FUUUCK! I'M GONNA DIE!" "HAHAHAHA! WANT ME TO PUT IT ON THE TOMBSTONE FOR YOU?" "YOU'RE INSANE!" [color=silver]Amidst the chaos, Lieutenant Kyllo loosened his flask, taking a sip of alcohol before bracing himself for the next slam which threatened to take him into the abyss and yet despite such implications he could only help to think on one thing...[/color] [hr] [i]"Lt. Kyllo." "General Ducasse." "I am counting on you and Lt. Höfler to leave a strong impression on the men and women at your disposal. Ideally, we must make them believe that we are capable of anything. I have been regarded as a dangerous and reckless general, but yet still I have been admired by many as a skilled and respectful warrior. Unpredictable is a trait that I pride myself on. Courageous a precious compliment. However, I do want to make it very clear to you that despite these things I would ask this of you-" "General?" "Don't frighten them too much. Alright?"[/i] [hr] "HERE IT COMES!" [h3] CRAAAAASSSSSSHHHHHH [/h3] [color=silver]Dust exploded into the air. Coughs were audible and true. Burning through the minds of many were what the source of this noise was- burning through the pants of others- a relief to simply be alive.[/color] "We've made it boys! Just in time for grub!" [color=silver]Bursting from his seat Wilby exited the vehicle, confidently walking around the front of the vehicle until another audible pop came from the hood of the truck with a tire rolling into a nearby soldier. The grinning soldier only now drew forth the expression of guilt and conviction as the mechanical companion sputtered its dying breaths.[/color] "Oh- Oh Sally, what have I done to you? Speak to me darling, let me know you'll be alright." [color=silver]A sputtering coughed from the worn vehicle. A hand extended from Wilby to rub its hot and dangerously situated hood.[/color] "There, there- Rest now, I'll fix you up soon." [color=silver]Stepping out from the vehicle with a vomiting private carefully positioned to his side- the Lieutenant gazed upon the bystanders before giving his word.[/color] "A mission was completed with new intel in our hands. I want engineers on this truck- and a medic for the... sick. As you were." [hr] "FOCKIN TROCK SPEWIN FUMES ABOOT'N'I'VE NO FOOD YET!" "Clover, could you not cause such a racket-" "FOCKIN- VE-HI-CLE IS BUSTIN ABOOT-" "AND I AM TRYING TO ENJOY A MEAL, GOOD HEAVENS!" "FUCK OFF YA MANGY CUNT!" [color=silver]Surprise to some? A fresh Echo Black, perhaps has never experienced such an uproar. But this appeared to be a scene all to familiar for the unfortunate ones like Uyless who listened to the droning of these two bicker back and forth like a static television broadcasting the ever so persistent signal of nothing at all. The constant clashing of red and green persisted yearly much like the left over decorations of a wintery holiday of love, sharing, and cheer. However, as all knew, they were the ironic deposition that was left over from the hand picked eyes of General Ducasse. Clover shoved Hamlock aside for the moment, breaking away from the presence of the man to line up for a decent meal.[/color] "Oi! Boiler! What've ya got with some punch to it? Got te start my day off right!" "You'll be the death of us all, Clover..." [color=silver]Quietly, Pyry entered behind the bickering soldiers and cleared his throat.[/color] "Attention- you don't need to stand for this-" [color=silver]He interrupted himself- stopping a collection from attempting to properly enact their training.[/color] "The damage outside is nothing to be concerned with. We have some hours before some VIPs come to examine what we have to offer so in the meantime enjoy the meal, refrain from blowing up the truck outside, and stay at the ready for assignment. Dismissed." [color=silver]With his brief announcement concluded, the lieutenant resigned to placing an arm behind his back and moving to get some food for his gut.[/color]