[@IceHeart] Both are very cute. I feel that Violet would be helped by having, as you said, levels in Miner or Geologist or some such, rather than SMith. As mentioned already, if she is the Gate Keeper of the Chateau, even if her skills and classes added benefits to a party composition, it would be strange for the members of Banderstachers to bring along or remove the very first hindrance to enemy attackers who tried to get into the Chateau. As for Talim, I really don't have much to say. He seems like a little miscreant, designed solely for the purpose of being a mischievous trollop. While humorous, the fact that there are already quite a few "asshole" charaters in the Chateau, and the current internal instability and political climate of the guild, makes me worry about him just being more fuel to the fire. Of course, if that's what you're going for, he's just fine, and we do have a ton of female characters as it is... Then again, this one's totally a trap, so ... Yeah... :p Either one seems fine to me, I honestly don't have a real preference.