[quote=@Kassarock] [img]https://i.imgur.com/WfVEBfk.png[/img] Cheeky little map claim for the Tranquil Republic of Themeia. [@Milkman] Is it alright to use established and other player created races for player nations, I know you said we were encourages to make our own? Because I would like to use both Vulpin and Akronians, as well as [@Dinh AaronMk]'s Avans if they give me permission? I'm aiming for a multicultural mercantile city state brimming with factions and schemes, and these are the races that make most sense based on geography thus far. [/quote] Yes, it is fine to make use of other player's races as long as other players are fine with you using their creations. Maybe add one of your own creation to the mix? So you have now official permission to use Vulpin and Arkronians :)