[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lmP15PM.png[/img] [color=75c159]”Alexander best boi.”[/color] [color=888888]— Tetrad[/color][/center] [@Card Captor] It was hard to believe that just a few days ago [s]beach time warp non-withstanding[/s] that Lily perceived Tetrad as a threat to her relationship with Alexander. Now she couldn’t take enough pictures of the three of them together. Though Tetrad realized in her current state she wasn’t a romantic threat to anyone. Or even a normal threat for that matter. But she suspected that wasn’t the full story. She had grown. [color=75c159]”If I can smile, he certainly can.”[/color] Tetrad was about to pull Alexander’s cheeks into a smile, but the boy swiftly turned his head. Shortly afterwards she witnessed Mika’s hare brain strategy play out, to which the gambler could only grimace. Mika was both a person of interest and a good kid. She would have healed Mika if Alexander wasn’t more capable at the moment. Not that either of them would get the chance. Lily floored her motorcycle once Mika was on board. Tetrad needed to use all of her strength just to hold on. Her jowls shook in the wind, like a cartoon character riding on a roller coaster. [color=75c159]”You forgot Alexanderrrrr[sub]rrrrrr[sub]rrrrrr[sub]rrrrrr[sub]rrrrr![/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]”[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/COlSgMa.png[/img] [color=PeachPuff]“Urge to kill, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sX0CbA4718A]rising.[/url]”[/color] [color=888888]— Su Fang[/color][/center] [@FamishedPants][@Rune_Alchemist] Despite her attempts to chase after Mika, Lily and Alexander managed to beat her to the punch. It was good that they recovered Mika, though Lily’s choice to accelerate the much faster Nimbus and leave her to fend for herself was not appreciated. Su’s blood was already boiling. She didn’t want to run from Beacon, she didn’t want Mika to get hurt, and she didn’t want to be abandoned by her friends. If Su’s feelings could be summed up in one word, it would be “sullen.” [i][color=PeachPuff]“That fuckin’ hussie!”[/color][/i] Fortunately, Su had not been entirely forsaken. An unlikely ally managed to leave behind a trail for her to follow. She had her reservations about the type of character “Silly” was, but knew that there was no reason to distrust her now. With a growl, she flew through the hoops. Su’s already impressive flying speed was magnified by the time distortions “Silly” left behind. She didn’t feel like she was moving faster, but the world slowed down every time she flew through a distortion. Before long, Su caught up with the nimbus and landed on it. With a deep sigh, she folded her legs together and placed her hands in her lap. [color=PeachPuff]“Thank you.”[/color] She said with a nod. [color=PeachPuff]“Having competent allies isn’t something one should take for granted. And speaking of…”[/color] She turned to look at Rina. [color=PeachPuff]“You’re handling the Nimbus like its original owner. Impressive.”[/color] Su smiled, but the corner of her lip was twitching. It was a shame they were in the Overcity, because Su would have liked to contact Helga. But it wasn’t likely the friendship stones would work here. Nothing worked in the overcity, right? [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JyqXhSX.png[/img] [color=#bd71e8]“Found you.”[/color] [color=888888]— Vermilion Veronica[/color][/center] [color=#bd71e8]“Seems you’ve made it to the overcity.”[/color] Both of Veronica’s agents could hear her voice as they neared the gates. [color=#bd71e8]“There is a store in the magical district called Winged Monarch Artificing. It’s run by a magical girl called Aria Rizzo. She is not affiliated with the Cradle, but she will let you access a special portal back into this world. She’s not particularly fond of Beacon, so make sure they aren’t following you or you won’t even get past the front door. If you need a distraction, Agent Blair should be in the area. Though I only advise calling upon her as a last resort.”[/color] [@Majoras End] Sortly afterwards, a witch magical girl would feel one of her ribbons vibrate, and she would hear a voice in her mind. [color=#bd71e8]“Eliza winter, how much longer do you plan on waiting before contacting me?”[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ILCOP2b.png[/img] [color=tomato]“We call that ‘pulling a highwind’ on the FF 14 servers.”[/color] [color=888888]— Mika Sarraf[/color][/center] Mika was delirious after being smashed by the troll. There was an ever present smile on her face, but her eyes had difficulty focusing, and the pain made her weak. By the time the world came back into focus, she was in the overcity. [color=tomato]“Did we all die?”[/color] [color=75c159]”Not yet.”[/color] Tetrad ran her hand over Mika’s head before looking back to Lily. [color=75c159]”The heck is wrong with you, girl? Alexander, myself, and even Mika all possess healing magic.”[/color] She shook her head. [color=75c159]”Whatever, looks like she’s going to live.”[/color] She placed her hands on her knees. [color=75c159]”Anyway, there’s a place we need to go in the magical district. I know a girl. She can get us out of here and possibly restore me to full fighting power. Though we should probably wait for the others.”[/color] Mika attempted to sit up, but the pain was too great and she ended up laying back down again. [color=tomato]“I wish I had some ice cream. Do you think they have anything like that around here?”[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NgWhiMr.png[/img] [color=cfff04]”Whew!”[/color] [color=888888]— Tonya “Mac” Murphy[/color] [hider=Tonya “Mac” Murphy] [b]Age: 24/11 | Gender: Female/Female | Illusion, Gravity Body | Power of Friendship, Regeneration, Third Eye | Moirai Coercion, Soul Jar, Martial Training, True Sight, Parasite, Gifted, Awareness, Overcity Shift Mystic Artifact Magical Overload, Paragon, Blessing, Gifted Item | Monster Form, Big Brother, Arrogance, Vendetta Redirected Magic, Second Specialization | Non-Standard Limbs, Destroyer[/b] STR: 05 | AGI: 04 | VIT: 05 | MAG: 03 | LCK: 03 STR: 10 | AGI: 08 | VIT: 11 | MAG: 17 | LCK: 05 Earnings this post: Zilch Total: 6 Gold, 111 Silver, 120 Bronze [/hider][/center] Maybe she kicked Mika a bit too hard. Well, she was young, she'd heal. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/iHJBY7s.gif[/img][/center] [table][row][cell][url=www.Nicetrylolz.com][color=red]Cradle.net[/color][/url][/cell][cell]Update # 482 (Continued)[/cell][/row][row][cell] [center][color=orange]Trix N Traps[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/q7DdNsh.png[/img] [color=#ff0000]T[/color][color=#ff7f00]o[/color][color=#ffff00]p[/color] [color=#00ffff]M[/color][color=#808080]a[/color][color=#ff0000]n[/color][color=#ffb400]a[/color][color=#fbff00]g[/color][color=#31ff00]e[/color][color=#00ffc7]r[/color] [color=lime]Online[/color][/center][colour=2E2C2D]BillyKillsMikaBillyKillsMika[/colour][/cell][cell] [i][color=red][quote]Trixy, please focus on subjects pertaining to the CC's interest when you make posts here. You know it causes frustration from other agents when you make silly posts. Blair, try to jog your memory for a second. Who do you work for? These sorts of threats and the vulgar language you are using are not acceptable and do the CC's image harm about as much as Trixy's frivolous behavior. I sincerely doubt Veronica would be pleased to see this. Finally, as I am not well-versed in the subject matter, take my suggestion with a grain of salt, but Considering this is an event that could be considered a special occasion, you should rule out using your magical girl outfit as that does not give any such impression. And because this is not a school activity, I see no reason why you would wear the uniform, either. Since I have no suggestions in this regard, you may also remove 'other' from the list. This would leave but 'Cosplay' and 'Sexy', either of which can be chosen. I also could not guide you to any sort of character to cosplay, so I am no help there. If I were to lean towards any direction, it would be in the 'sexy' side as I believe it fits well with your blatantly coquettish mannerisms.[/quote][/color][/i] It’s not silly though! It’s the ability to let others participate in what you’re doing that gets them invested! But thanks for the advice, really means a lot. <3 :magnum [/cell][/row][row][cell] [center][color=orange]Trix N Traps[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/q7DdNsh.png[/img] [color=#ff0000]T[/color][color=#ff7f00]o[/color][color=#ffff00]p[/color] [color=#00ffff]M[/color][color=#808080]a[/color][color=#ff0000]n[/color][color=#ffb400]a[/color][color=#fbff00]g[/color][color=#31ff00]e[/color][color=#00ffc7]r[/color] [color=lime]Online[/color][/center][colour=2E2C2D]BillyKillsMikaBillyKillsMika[/colour][/cell][cell] [quote][color=orange]@Trx N Traps[/color] [color=orange]@TheRealBlairWitch[/color] Whaaa? Is someone bullying my fans? Only I'm allowed to do that. But a dress code? Ahaha, you're funny! Come as you are and just be prepared to party!~ [/quote] I love you Vi Chan! I hope you’ll sign my collector’s edition Vi Chan music CD when I get there! [/cell][/row][row][cell][center] [color=orange]Medi Girl[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/1XINGeU.png[/img] Agent [color=lime]Online[/color] [/center][/cell][cell] Can’t believe I’m doing this, but she seems to have wholesome intentions this time. Lol Since you’ve made this a business trip, you could always cosplay as Veronica. Barring that, “sexy” wouldn’t be bad if it was also tasteful. [/cell][/row] [row][cell][center] [color=orange]B3H[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/1KfMGMb.png[/img] Agent [color=lime]Online[/color][/center][/cell][cell] You didn’t tag me? I’m hurt! JK XD I’m not sure I’d say to dress sexy, but I think you should dress fun for the reasons Silhouette already mentioned. It suits your personality, and we should always be ourselves. Isn’t that the entire reason of having the organization open like this? [/cell][/row] [row][cell][center] [color=orange]Trix N Traps[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/q7DdNsh.png[/img] [color=#ff0000]T[/color][color=#ff7f00]o[/color][color=#ffff00]p[/color] [color=#00ffff]M[/color][color=#808080]a[/color][color=#ff0000]n[/color][color=#ffb400]a[/color][color=#fbff00]g[/color][color=#31ff00]e[/color][color=#00ffc7]r[/color] [color=lime]Online[/color][/center][/cell][cell] Thanks everyone! (So sorry [color=orange]@BettyBartonBioHazard[/color]!) I’ll keep the pole open for a day or so, but it looks like sexy is currently in the lead. [/cell][/row][row][cell][center] [color=orange]Faith in Bananas[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/vvCmq7b.png[/img] Banana Lover [color=lime]Online[/color] [/center][/cell][cell]Do all three as a challenge![/cell][/row][row][cell][center][color=orange]Blair[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/CWs0jKc.png[/img] Agent [color=lime]Online[/color][/center][/cell][cell] [i][color=red][quote]Blair, try to jog your memory for a second. Who do you work for? These sorts of threats and the vulgar language you are using are not acceptable and do the CC's image harm about as much as Trixy's frivolous behavior. I sincerely doubt Veronica would be pleased to see this.[/quote][/color][/i] I’m sure you realize that Trixy isn’t very easy to sway. She is a dog, and the mind of a dog is very simple. All they understand is the boot, and in this situation, my “death threats” were the boot. You’ll notice she didn’t tag me afterwards for this drivel. It’s disappointing to see Trixy’s babysitter hasn’t realized this yet. Perhapse you’ve let your rank go to your head? I despise typing long messages. If you have a problem with my behavior you can talk to me over coms, or in person if you aren’t afraid. It would probably be better than making an ass out of yourself in the public eye. Isn’t that right, top agent? [/cell][/row][/table] [hr] [hider=extremely pointless content warning] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8y00wfT.png[/img] [color=e1119b]"It’s basically a filler OVA"[/color] [b]That would make more sense over a time skip.”[/b] [color=888888]— Regina & Abigail[/color] [/center] Regina looked up at the night sky. It was overcast, which obscured her view of the stars. But a nearby street lamp illuminated incoming snow flakes that danced down to earth. Without anything else in view It was easy for Regina to pretend she was flying. The cold air bit at her face, and it only bit harder when the wind ripped past her. She stuck out her tongue and “chased” the falling snowflakes through the sky. After catching a few, she lowered her gaze to the rest of her surroundings. The street lamp illuminated a small portion of the street corner, and was the only source of light nearby. In contrast to the endless freedom the sky granted her, looking at Penrose made her feel like she was isolated on an island. One surrounded in a sea of darkness. But she wasn’t alone. Abigail was there with her. She was hugging herself, understandable considering how outfit gave her little protection from the cold. [b]”Great, just great.”[/b] Abigail shivered. [b]”Not only is Penrose in ruins, but impostor Beacon girls are parading around.”[/b] [color=e1119b]"It’s not that bad, is it?"[/color] After leaving the beach dimension, the two girls found themselves more or less where they remembered being. Only with Beacon having a much stronger grasp on Penrose and all the random destruction. They had been avoiding patrols until nightfall, by which point they realized they had no idea where to stay for the night. [b]"I told you about the Ascendancy already right? They’re probably going to kill you for being a monster and me for working with one!"[/b] [color=e1119b]"We still have each other though."[/color] Abigail groaned in response, and Regina just shrugged. [color=e1119b]"Here, I think this will help."[/color] A jacket appeared in her hand, which she draped over Abigail’s shoulders. [b]"Wah!"[/b] She pulled the jacket around herself. It was a little big, yet not made for someone as well endowed as herself. The result was that it fit tightly around her chest while extending past her wrists and waist line. [b]"Where did you get this?"[/b] [color=e1119b]"My hammer space is filled with everything in my room, closet, and the basement of my house. Even things from the garage that my parents wouldn’t miss. So I just gave you one of my jackets."[/color] She smiled. [color=e1119b]"Looks good on you!"[/color] Abigail fret her brow. [b]"And you didn’t think to give me this sooner?"[/b] [color=e1119b]"You would have told me you weren’t cold!"[/color] [b]"You didn’t have to wait two hours! Thirty minutes would have been fine!"[/b] [color=e1119b]"I needed to be sure!"[/color] Regina giggled. [color=e1119b]"Alright, maybe that wasn’t the best way to go about doing things. But I can find a way to warm you up."[/color] She was smiling as every word came out of her mouth. [b]"What are we going to do, cuddle? You got over Annabelle that quickly?"[/b] Regina let out a long groan and folded her arms. [color=e1119b]"Actually."[/color] She hung her head. [color=e1119b]"I don’t think Regina loved Annabelle. She liked the idea that there was someone out there who was just as alone as she was. Of course she wanted to make them happy, but only because they were the closest thing to a friend she had. Regina confused friendship with love, and drove a wedge between herself and her twin. That wasn’t real love."[/color] Regina raised her head and gave Abigail a wry smile. [color=e1119b]"Regina was blind to the fact that what she wanted was at her side the entire time. If she just turned her eyes away from her own pain she’d have realized Elroy was suffering just as much as she was, maybe more. He did her bidding and was cast aside as soon as Annabelle entered the picture. Even if I’m talking about them like they are two different people, I feel that I carry both of their sins."[/color] A cloak appeared in one of Regina’s hands. [color=e1119b]"As for us, I view you as a friend that I’ve wronged, and I hope we can move past that given our situation."[/color] She draped the cloak over Abigail’s shoulders. [color=e1119b]"How about your love life, Abby? Gunna make a move on Aurelio some day?"[/color] Abigail yelped when Regina tugged her closer. [b]"P-probably not."[/b] She looked away from Regina. [b]"It’s not like we’re an item or anything. I mean, he does remind me of my brother, and I like that he was there for me, but he’s kind of sleazy. He parades around with Sally everywhere and acts like he’s god’s gift to woman!"[/b] [color=e1119b]"Boys can be pretty predictable.They can be a bit clueless though if you don’t tell them how you feel."[/color] Regina chuckled. [color=e1119b]"Maybe he’s just not the right one for you? Maybe Sally and him work better?"[/color] [b]"Probably, but I’m a catch! Just look at me!"[/b] She stepped closer to Regina. [b]"I mean what do you think? Not that I really care what a girl thinks but-"[/b] [color=e1119b]"I think you are attractive. A bit young looking to be playing the star role in a movie, but undeniably attractive. You probably look your best when you smile, even if it’s one you do after a devious prank. "[/color] [b]"Okay that’s great but-"[/b] [color=e1119b]"But I think focusing squarely on how you look is missing your point. You try very hard to impress those around you and even when you fail, everyone knows you’ve given it your all. Watching you play Keijo declared this to everyone who watched. How you fell into the water with Mika or your near double KO with Amaryllis were both splendid displays of your tenacity."[/color] [b]"Kind of embarrassing, yet-"[/b] [color=e1119b]"You’ll get a boyfriend, I’m sure. But I need to say that had Regina looked to you for romance I am almost certain that-"[/color] [b]"Please! Stop! Now! Too much information!"[/b] Once Abigail confirmed that Regina had shut up, she let out a long sigh. [b]"Alright Regina, I get it. I’m not going to forgive you for brainwashing me and trying to end the world, but I understand that you’re trying to make amends. As is, you’re the only thing I’ve got, and you’re better prepared than I am."[/b] she crossed her arms. [b]"One thing though."[/b] [color=e1119b]"Yes?"[/color] [b]"You made it sound like you had like, a lot of stuff from your folks place."[/b] She gave Regina a sideways glance. [b]”Got a tent?”[/b] [hr] It was difficult, but with the help of a flashlight, Regina and Abigail were able to locate a power outlet in a half destroyed building. Better still was that it still worked. This meant that Regina didn’t have to start up a noisy generator to power their base of operations. They were able to set up a tent, and supply power to a ceramic heater. The ceramic heater was nice because it had virtually no chance of catching anything on fire while they slept. The drawback was it didn’t heat up quickly. But the tent would contain the heat well enough, and they were able to get power to all of their other devices. They could charge their phones, power a TV, but were wary of doing anything that would alert too much attention. They had set up a barricade to prevent any light from leaving the building and giving away their position. Anything they watched or played would have to be done silently, as there wasn’t much they could do to block the noise. [b]"Hammer space is officially the coolest power ever."[/b] [color=e1119b]"I like it."[/color] They were watching reruns of some magical girl anime. [b]"So what are you going to do? I don’t think it’s a good idea to go back to beacon right now."[/b] Regina placed a finger on her chin. [color=e1119b]"The one thing Regina and Elroy wanted to do more than anything else was meet their real parents. For different reasons of course. Regina wanted to murder her abusive father, and Elroy wanted to figure out why his mother left them."[/color] Abigail looked over her shoulder at Regina. [b]"And what about [i]this[/i] Regina?"[/b] [color=e1119b]"I think I want to meet them as well, just to see what they’re really are. Not to punish or praise them, but just to figure out which memories are more correct."[/color] Regina turned her head. [color=e1119b]"How about you?"[/color] [b]"I dunno."[/b] Abigail looked back at the TV. [b]"When you watch magical girl anime, its usually about brave young girls beating up monsters. But reality isn’t like that is it? Seems like we spend a lot more time fighting other magical girls than monsters. That’s all I wanted to do. Just kill monsters like the ones that killed my brother. But now it seems like all we do is fight over control of Penrose."[/b] She looked back to Regina. [b]"Which is important I guess, but I feel like we’re just kind of at war with ourselves while the real enemy is hiding out there somewhere. The stuff going on in Penrose right now just feels like a distraction."[/b] [color=e1119b]"I certainly have no desire to stay."[/color] Regina rolled out a sleeping bag and slid inside. [color=e1119b]"I’m going back to Rochester. It’ll be a long journey on foot, but I have nothing else to do."[/color] [b]"Um."[/b] Abigail pulled a blanket over herself. [b]"Would you mind if I came with you? I mean, I have my own conditions of course."[/b] She squinted her eyes. [b]"We hunt and kill every monster we see. And, maybe give the monster girls a chance to explain themselves."[/b] Regina smiled. [color=e1119b]"I see no problem with that."[/color] [b]"Then let me make it a bit harder."[/b] After Abigail’s declaration, she blushed. [b]"I also want a hug."[/b] Regina sat upright. [color=e1119b]"That shouldn’t be too hard!"[/color] She opened her arms, and Abigail picked up her blankets before diving into Regina’s embrace. She could feel Abigail nuzzle her head against her own, and the girl had a surprisingly tight grip. One that Regina confidently matched. As the seconds ticked by, neither of them let go. Regina found her thoughts wandering to happier times, like the conversations Elroy and Regina had when they were just hiding out. When they were free of worry. [color=e1119b]"It’s strange."[/color] She said while holding Abigail. [color=e1119b]"I feel like I have a sibling again."[/color] [b]"Me too."[/b] [h3][right][i]Regina & Abigail ~ Fin[/i][/right][/h3] [/hider]