[hider= Qael’Naath] [b]Name:[/b] Qael’Naath [b]Primordial or Conceptual:[/b] Primordial [b]Domain:[/b] Magic. Unlike the supernatural, magic has its place within the natural order of all things. It is not hidden just beyond perception. Nor is it a nagging impossibility. It is part of the greater whole and exists whether or not there is a sentience to see it. To be certain of this natural balance in the world, magic has been given its own set of rules as well by creation itself. Though the logic, reasoning, and pattern of these laws will rarely be understood by mortal life forms. Despite it being a natural part of the world, magic is no mundane subject. [b]Portfolio:[/b] Mana. Mana is a substance much like carbon, oxygen or iron. Unlike those, however, it is a boundless source of possibilities. The substance is the ultimate catalyst, allowing a sentient creature to transform states of matter and even substances. It also the ultimate manipulator, allowing one to change their surroundings with the aid of it. However, its power pales in the face of divinity. Where gods can raise islands at a thought, to do so with mana would require substantial amounts and a staggering understanding of both the deeper laws of magic and the natural laws that might facilitate such a sudden change in the world. For mana might be magic but it still adheres to certain principles, akin to how the world is ruled by the laws of physics. [b]Their Realm:[/b] The Well - The realm of magic is a beautiful place. It is always night, filling the heavens with beautiful stars and wonderful nebulae. Closer to the ground one can see the auroras of ever-changing, chromatic colors. At its center is a massive orb, akin to the surface of the sun but blue in color. Its brightness is heavily dimmed. Allowing you to watch straight at it. Like solar waves, mana bursts forth from it. While not as bright as the sun, it's bright enough to illuminate the whole plane. Which is filled with giant, floating islands and natural gardens. Filled with strange, kaleidoscopic metals, luminescent plants and shimmering gems. Springs of pure emerald, sapphire and ruby fluids flow from certain gardens down into nothingness. The rocks float and move freely. Yet from time to time certain glades will align in auspicious patterns. Offering momentary order with the perceived chaos. Galbar is not just seen within the sky. It is seen everywhere but always fleeting. Visions can be seen within the "water". The islands might align in a picture of reality for just a moment. The auroras might take the shape of what a sentient creature sees upon Galbar. Once more offering a glimpse of the invisible rules reigning within the realm. For mortals, the place is a beautiful but exceptionally dangerous place. Temperatures vary wildly between the islands. Gravity is a concept that might vanish at a moments notice. The only things that may survive within this plane are creatures that feed off mana. Gods are not at all affected by anything within the realm. Yet they, in turn, cannot control or direct the mana within The Well. As everything within The Well is either mana or a substance created from mana, nothing within the realm can be manipulated. Not even that which would, at first be perceived as a god's own domain (like earth). [b]Persona:[/b] Qael’Naath is at it's basest a curious creature. With mana being a nearly limitless substance, he desires to know what his brothers and sisters, Galbar and other creatures would do with it. However, surrounding this curiosity is an exceptionally cold, analytical mind. Qael’Naath cares not for petty ideas like justice, greed, glory, vengeance, honor, wrath or love. Creativity and curiosity are the sole things that matter to him. He does not even care for death or life. And he especially does not care for such boring concepts like good or bad, moral or immoral. Because of this, he will not care if entire civilizations are wiped out by cataclysms. The only thing that he cares for is discovering new ways of how mana and magic interact and is used by the whole world. Mortals will thus find him a generally cold and perhaps even a dangerous god. One might then assume that he would care little for sibling rivalry. Nothing is less true. Conflict will always fuel progress. When gods chose to fight, Qael’Naath will likely offer up the gift of mana to both of them. Amongst mortal civilizations, he might do the same. Though oftentimes he will be far more careful and selective than with his blessings. Favoring those who have proven to be more worthy. There is, however, one thing that is anathema to Qael’Naath: abyssal chaos. Entropy of the highest order. Laws of nature, physics and of magic must be respected. He will applaud circumvention, as this in itself is proof of creativity. Yet to simply break them in the most basic sense of the word is an unforgivable sin to Qael’Naath. [b]Base Form:[/b] Qael’Naath’s base form is that of a humanoid creature with bright blue skin. He has three pairs of pink, glowing eyes. Hidden under a large hood. Small tentacles fall from his chin like a beard, from which only the tips are visible from under the hood. He’s never seen in this form without a gnarled, wooden staff. At the top, the wood has been carved open to house a circular lens. [b]Domain Form:[/b] Qael’Naath’s domain form is that of a very large sphinx creature. With golden fur on its lion body. His humanoid face has an intricate, braided beard and a total of three eyes. With the central one sitting vertically on its forehead. From his back, a set of wings sprout, with feathers whose colors change constantly. As he flies, the aurora of ever-shifting mana follows him along. Along his spine runs a line of crystalline protrusions. [b]Avatar:[/b] Winds of Magic – The winds of magic is a miasmic entity. It is near invisible to the naked eye, appearing at best a shimmer in the sky. Yet as the Avatar of Magic, mana clings to it and follows it around. Making it appear as a large, colorful aurora even visible at day. The winds hold no independence. Instead, they are the direct divine sense and hand of Qael’Naath. Who mainly uses the floating miasmic mass to observe the world and interact with it where he finds it necessary. Though such interaction will always be to enact the will of Qael’Naath. Mortals will rarely be able to draw the attention of Qael’Naath and the Winds. Especially as time progresses and mortal-kind grows ever more numerous. However, the presence of the winds is not to be underestimated to those who were blessed with magic. As mana clings and follows it around, the presence of the Winds will saturate its surroundings with mana. Fueling any magic cast near it. Those who show particular talent and creativity in using magic, or who have been deemed worthy by the god, might find themselves hearing the voice of the winds. Offering guidance and understanding of the arcane arts. [b]Musical Theme:[/b] TBD [/hider]