[quote=@Guy of Z] "Thats a long story you see after the Clone Wars the Republic became an Empire because Palpatine claimed the Jedi tried to assassinate him and turned the Republic into an Empire and all that fun stuff. The Senate being full of monarchies and dictatorships thought it was the tightest spast and kept going for the next oh 20 Years or so before getting dissolved after they built the Deathstar, a superweapon that can crack worlds." Earhen continued rambling on with the historical lesson "Get to the point dammit!" Holdo yelled. The nearby guards were tense as well but what could they do a Vat grown killing machine holding their commanding officer hostage. "Fiiine I was enlightening this gentlemen on the current state of Galactic politics excuse me for being enthusiastic. We were initially the Alliance to restore the Republic then the Alliance of free Planets now we're the New republic now. Basically the new boss to your old boss cloney." [/quote] [color=f7976a]"I see..."[/color] Carter said. So the chancellor overthrew the Jedi order and became the leader of an empire for two decades before being kicked out of power by these New Republic people. This brought to question the idea of 'what now?'. His loyalty did technically lie with the republic last he checked, but he fought directly underneath Palpatine. Not to mention his cover was a Couroscant guard soldier. Were these people his enemies or allies? He thought for a moment... His objectives were to keep Vehia's nature secret and to follow her orders... Well, that solves that dillema. Carter lowers his gun, stepping into a simple at-attention stance with safety on and barrel to the floor. [color=f7976a]"In that case, specialist CT 6871, codename Carter. I worked as part of the Corouscant guard until being tasked with acting the bodyguard for a high risk VIP named Vehia by the Jedi council. Speaking of which, where might the cryopod for her be located?"[/color]