[right][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191207/c606bddeec8608a2953363e423b736bf.png[/img][/right] [i]Smart,[/i] Taras thought to himself, observing as the enemy wisely changed targets from himself to his ally, [i]how annoying.[/i] It was good fortune that Lilliane had made it over to the pallet unharmed. Likely, Chloe's mad dash helped in that, drawing the fire of the lone gunman. Yes, lone - just as Chloe seemed to have concluded, so too did Taras. A single enemy, with a frightening accuracy. Not just frightening, but uncanny. They couldn't assume that any of them were unseen at the moment. Which left Taras with some choices, all ones he wouldn't be particularly thrilled about making. First, he needed to heal himself. His injuries weren't life threatening, and their mysterious assailant had already seen through his ploy. With a thought and barely a glance toward Lilliane nearby, he summoned his own Stand. Ideally the agents would never know about his own power, but Taras was a professional... if they needed to see it in order for the mission to succeed, so be it. At this point he, somewhat bitterly, didn't see himself able to complete it on his own, so there was no other way.「Bad Case」appeared on the Russian's arm. It was small and metallic, with thin legs that resembled an insect's. There was also a wicked looking needle attached to it, which the little stand promptly jammed into it's user, going through his thick coat and the skin beneath. Taras quietly hissed in pain, then the sound turned into a breathless chuckle. Ah, the sting of being bitten by his own Stand... it'd been a while. To anyone watching, it might have seemed like Taras' skin was rippling beneath his clothes. To those not watching, the Russian agent was simply... healed. His wounds closed, the bleeding stopped. The bug-like machine that was his Stand dislodged itself from him and hopped to the ground. And now the choices. Heal Chloe and risk being shot himself, or let her suffer and possible die while he and the other ladies made a move on the enemy? [color=DC143C]"[i][/i]"[/color] Taras said aloud though more to himself, [color=DC143C]"[i][/i] Yonaka, brace yourself and [b]do not[/b] struggle."[/color] With a quick motion to Lilliane and Oscuro, Stand and user split up. Taras himself left the cover of his tree, though he expected it's protection was minimal at best anyway. Carefully, he made his way closer to the enemy, one hand in his coat clutching his gun. With Yonaka down for the moment and Lilliane protecting the supplies, he counted on Oscuro to move up with him, in a different direction. If that was the case, he'd hope the gunman shot at her or tried to finish Yonaka off and then he could engage. Speaking of Yonaka,「Bad Case」scuttled it's way toward her. The small contraption looking thing concealed itself behind the young woman's body, and with no warning besides the one Taras had already given, it injected it's needle into her skin. The initial injection was near painless, maybe a little itchy... but soon enough a heat spreading out from the injection site, and the painful twist and pull of her flesh physically moving to repair the hole through her shoulder made itself known.