"No, but as you practice, it will become easier." Adam said, short of breath. Adam looked to see Kijani, head in her hands. He tenativly put a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay? What did you see?" ----- Darth Vader walked down the hallway of the Death Star, causing many Stormtroopers and officers to stand aside. The ensign who followed in his wake had to walk double time to keep up with the Sith Lord's massive strides. "Reactors four and nine are still down, my lord. We are currently running on low power until they are repaired." she said. "Prepare the station to jump to lightspeed the moment the reactors are back online." Vader said in his bellowing, machine enhanced voice. "We have the location of the Rebel's secret base, and the time has com-." The ensign nearly ran into Vader's back as he suddenly stopped in his tracks. "Is there something wrong, my lord?" she asked. [i]I sense something. A presence I've not felt in many years.[/i] Vader thought to himself. [i]What could he be doing here? No one could have known that the senator is here so quickly. And who is that with them. His students?[/i] "It is nothing. You are dismissed." Vader told the ensign, who graciously saluted and left Vader alone. The Sith Lord knew that one way or another, he would confront his old master for the last time this day...