[CENTER][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D0ZQPqeJkk][img]https://starwars.anewage.co.uk/application/assets/images/tour/SWLogo.png[/img][/url] [color=gold][h1][b]CORUSCANT: UNDERWORLD[/b][/H1] It has been fifteen years since the rise of the evil GALACTIC EMPIRE. The galaxy lays within its crushing fist with no opposition. The capital world of CORUSCANT is the center of the galaxy, the wealthy and powerful thriving on the surface. 2000 levels from the planet core, below the surface is the UNDERCITY. An anarchy filled place of crime and violence. As the Imperials rule, the people suffer. Those unlucky enough to find themselves in in the underworld must fight every single day to survive.... [/COLOR][/CENTER] [hr] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d4/fb/0f/d4fb0f088d27c1731326567d956710b5--star-wars-games-star-wars-art.jpg[/img][/center] The Undercity is a crime-ridden place, a far cry from its dazzling surface. It is a place where one can get lost, becoming another seedy face in the crowd. Illegal merchandise of all kinds can be found within it. Gangs fight over the streets, the promise of riches and a getaway from their miserable lives is too much for many. Humans are the most populous species, but that claim seems to drop every year as more aliens are forced into the underground by the xenophobic Empire. It is extremely humid, air conditioning considered a privilege. While it is a bearable, one will often find themselves drenched in sweat just from taking a stroll. The [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/3/3c/UnderworldPortal-TCAJ.png/revision/latest?cb=20131028195224]massive ventilation shaft[/url] is the sole entrance to the level, located in the northern most part of the undercity. The sprawling city has millions of denizens, the most affluent living in an esteemed wealth with greater privileges. It is recommended to stay within the walls of the city. It is the only lighted area on the entire level, with recycled but breathable air. The police force is underfunded and rift with corruption. The Empire has no true presence down here, though if one is to believe the rumors their eyes are never far from it. Criminals fill the streets, though good people do live there too. Many have just been thrust into a terrible situation by more terrible consequences. Bounty hunters, smugglers, mercenaries and assassins are a common sight, there is money to made by shaking the right hands. The population is filled with society's rejects, it's a haven for criminals and those that don't want to be found. Powerful companies own factories and other buildings in the undercity, making them some of the most powerful factions in the underworld. Corporate warfare exists even below the surface. Life can be made for those that wish to make it. [hr] [center][h2][color=gold][b]Districts[/b][/color][/h2][/center] The undercity is divided into five separate sections each accessible with a high speed rail system as well as other various modes of transportation. Each sector, with the exception of the fifth district contains numerous homes and businesses. The population is generally spread pretty evenly throughout the districts, though more denizens live in District Four than any other. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/H1kIyHb.jpg?1[/img] [h3]District One[/h3][/center] The most wealthy district by a massive margin, while also containing the least dense population of inhabitants. Those that are lucky enough to live in this part of the undercity dwell in comfort with heavy security. Many denizens have their own bodyguards and the police keep a watchful eye here. Crime is relatively low here and offenders are firmly put down with certainty. Its also the most clean district, comparable to the most affluent parts of the surface city. The most prestigious restaurants are also located here. Multiple corporations have buildings down here, often the highest ones in the city. These corporations tend to have well put together security forces, but their tactics are anything but clean. Their hands are weaved in everywhere, its an open secret that they conduct business with the gangs that truly run the underworld. [center][img]https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-34pD5zq91i4/We9-pxvr6-I/AAAAAAAACYA/WixGPZ0YivYZuxEpWUxRDLo_UkMfbF3owCLcBGAs/s1600/star-wars-casino-planet.jpg[/img] [h3]District Two[/h3][/center] Known widely as the entertainment district, this sector contains all manner of places like dance clubs, fight clubs, gentleman clubs, casinos, dive bars, brothels and various restaurants. Its the loudest part of the undercity, filled with activity around the clock. The underworld is shroud in constant darkness after all. Its seedy in parts, depending where one goes in it. Though security is especially tight around the casinos. Many of the establishments are gang affiliated and owned by criminal enterprises. Brawls and even firefights are known to break out in the district. [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/16/af/78/16af788155a95aa28bb5f020ba556cba--star-wars--star-wars-rpg.jpg[/img] [h3]District Three[/h3][/center] This part of the undercity is commonly known as the marketplace, for its multitude of merchant stands and traders who dwell in the area. Traveling merchants frequent the district and sell their wares, while buyers can find practically anything they could desire. Illegal weaponry and equipment is known to be traded here, as well as spices and other illicit substances. Its a relativity save part of the undercity as many of the merchants employ armed bodyguards. [center][img]https://www.gamewallpapers.com/previews_480x300/wallpaper_star_wars_1313_05.jpg[/img] [h3]District Four[/h3][/center] The most dangerous, but also the most populated district is Four. Its the slummiest part of the undercity, filled with crime and violence. The seemingly endless streets are filled with all manners of drunks, addicts, bums and prostitutes. Many of the alleyways seem to go nowhere, and many one does not want to venture down. Gangs truly run this district, the police rarely if ever make an appearance. Its where the poorest and most unfortunate are forced to dwell, many squatting in run downed, abandoned homes. It is highly recommended that you arm yourself if you travel in the district and be mindful of everyone around you. [center][img]https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hoQTNcsJvLQ/Vmo7iSSxOsI/AAAAAAABqOs/pRPxfDtt1O8/s1600/pdc_starwars1313art4.jpg[/img] [h3]District Five[/h3][/center] Composed largely of factories, mines and shops this district is where many people on the underworld work. There are no dwelling type buildings in it and it sits on the edge of the undercity. Smoke commonly fills the skyline here, as weapons, droids, vehicles and other machinery is commonly built here. There are several mines located on the outskirts where precious metals are mined. Beyond its borders one can see the darkness of the outer-lands spreading out before them. [hr] [center][h2][color=gold]Factions[/color][/h2] Numerous factions exist within the underworld of Coruscant, these are some of the most well known. [/center] [center] [img]https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/ViEAAOSwsD1b1mCF/s-l300.jpg[/img] [h3]Black Sun[/h3][/center] Highly influential in the galaxy, the notorious Black Sun criminal syndicate's reach even crept into the undercity. They are involved in all sort of illegal operations in the Coruscant underworld. They are also aligned with the Shadow Collective though the Black Sun are more active in the undercity. They have a fierce rivalry with the Pyke Syndicate. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/jMsx5zP.png[/img] [h3]Pyke Syndicate[/h3][/center] A major player in the illegal spice trade the Pykes have a presence in the criminal underbelly of Coruscant. Their hands are all in the spice dealings in the undercity. Their notorious sentinels have even been spotted in the streets. If one gets involved in the spice trade then its a certainty they will have to deal with the Pykes. [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/star-wars-expanded-universe-holocron/images/4/4b/Hutt_Symbol.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20180803235415[/img] [h3]Hutt Cartel[/h3][/center] While they were headquarted in Nal Hutta, in distant Hutt space the cartel still has a presence in the undercity. It is a lesser one than the Black Sun or Pykes have but still noticeable. You won't see any Hutts personally walking the streets of level 2000, but you can find their agents conducting business. It is not wise to upset the Hutts, or worse, owe a debt to them. [center][img]https://freestencilgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Star-Wars-Galactic-Empire-Symbol-Stencil-thumb.jpg[/img] [h3]Galactic Empire[/h3][/center] The Empire controls the galaxy, though their presence in the undercity is a disputed topic. Stormtroopers are never seen patrolling the streets but their agents are said to exist undercover in the underworld. Their eyes and ears are everywhere, the last thing anyone would desire is for the Empire to storm in and seize the city. [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2a/Rebel_Alliance_logo.svg/300px-Rebel_Alliance_logo.svg.png[/img] [h3]Rebel Alliance[/h3][/center] The alliance exists as a whisper within the undercity and on greater Coruscant. It is in its infantile stage, existing as a disorganized group of cells. Anti Imperial sentiment is a common thing in the underworld and the rebel movement may grow. [hr] [center][h2][color=gold]Local Factions[/color][/h2] These groups are local to Coruscant and particularly so in the undercity. [/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZjH6Txw.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wHUNqkk.jpg?1[/img] [h3]Crimson Talon and Black Nebula[/h3][/center] The two largest local criminal syndicates in the undercity, they regularly wages war with each other. In recent years the conflict has escalated in violence, causing chaos in the underworld of Coruscant. They compete in a variety of illicit activities such as the illegal weapon trade, drug trafficking and human trafficking. Both gangs own a variety of businesses which often serve as fronts for their criminal activities. Freelancers can find business working for either of them as both groups are known to employee mercenaries, bounty hunters, assassins and other types of rogues. The Crimson Talon and Black Nebula are both hostile towards the Pure Hand Syndicate. [center][img]https://smallimg.pngkey.com/png/small/199-1990141_skull-logo-related-keywords-suggestions-scandroid-skull-logo.png[/img] [h3]Pure Hand Syndicate[/h3][/center] The Pures, as they are nicknamed, are the most brutal gang. They practice extreme xenophobia, humans are the only ones allowed within their organization. Aliens are almost always their targets. They control an area to the west, it is not a place a non human wishes to find themselves in. Lynchings, beatings and burnings are just some of the things they do to their enemies. They don't seem to focus on credits as much as the other gangs, they're more of a cult than anything else. Their leader is of course, a human. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/65/56/57/65565745bfe98217f746efbddc1247ae.jpg]Serg Beccou[/url] is his name, he is a vicious, psychotic man. Serg is located within Hand territory, though his exact whereabouts are not known. He has been seen filming messages 'urging' non humans within the underworld to leave, these messages often capped by a murder or scene of torture. He is an incredibly difficult man to track down, every time his location is determined it changes. He is the most wanted man in the undercity and he knows it. [hr] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/f9/81/52/f98152c71921764dfd85630624840750--star-wars-concept-art-star-wars-art.jpg[/img][/center] [h2][center][color=gold]Rules[/color][/center][/h2] [b]1.[/b] Mature content is to be expected, this is not your father's Star Wars. Swearing is cool, so is gore and violence. Pretty much anything else allowed by the site's rules. Fade to black any sexual scenes. [b]2.[/b] No godmodding, metagaming, etc. [b]3.[/b] Original characters only. No Mary Sues, I love, love flawed characters. No limit to the number of characters you can have, just make sure you can handle multiple if you go that route. [b]4.[/b] A pet peeve of mine: no anime pictures for face claims. I prefer high quality or digital art. [b]5.[/b] Write in third person, casual standards at least. [b]6.[/b] Character death is a possibility. The underworld can be cruel. [b]7.[/b] Please stay active, let me know if someone comes up and you will have to step away from the RP. [b]8.[/b] Post your character sheets that are awaiting review on the OOC, once they've been approved then they can be posted on the characters' tab. [b]9.[/b] GM word is word of law here. I (and any other potential co-GMs) have final say in any disputes. [b]10.[/b] Have fun! Feel free to give me any suggestions to make the RP more enjoyable. [h2][center][color=gold]FAQ[/color][/center][/h2] [b]1.[/b] Can I create my own faction? Or join any of the already established ones? Yes to both. I probably will make a faction sheet for anyone who'd like to create their own factions. You can also solo it, you don't have to join any factions. [b]2.[/b] Can I make a Jedi or a Sith? Probably not. I intended for this RP to mainly focus on non Force users but I am open to idea of perhaps one or two force users. Some Jedi did survive the purge after all, but they are still considered wanted criminals. You'd have to convince me to allow the Force user character. [b]3.[/b] What about a Mandalorian? Definitely! I just don't want the RP to have tons of them. Bounty hunters in general are a staple of the Star Wars rogue gallery and I plan to establish a bounty board of NPCs that can be hunted down in the IC. [b]4.[/b] What about an Imperial? A rank and file Stormtrooper is a no but an Imperial agent could be a possibility. [b]5.[/b] How about a rebel? Anti Imperial sentiment is pretty high in the underworld, especially considering how many aliens the xenophobic Empire forced down there. The Rebel Alliance is in its infant stage in this RP, its not openly being advertised. There's gonna be some rebel activity but (to start) its going to be disorganized and weak. It will grow though. [b]6.[/b] Can I play a droid? Yes you can. Perhaps an assassin or bounty hunting one? [b]7.[/b] Are there any banned species? As of right now the only one I'm banning for sure is Miraluka. I'll mention in my reviews of sheets if I have issues with a species but feel free to bring up any you think might be iffy. [h2][center][color=gold]Character Sheet[/color][/center][/h2] [hider=My Hider][code] [center][img][/img][/center] [h3]Name here[/h3] [hr] [b]Species[/b] - [b]Gender[/b] - [b]Age[/b] - [b]Occupation[/b] - [b]Apparel[/b] - [b]Weapons[/b] - [b]Equipment[/b] - [b]Skills[/b] - [b]Flaws[/b] - [b]Personality[/b] - [b]Goals[/b] - [b]Backstory[/b] - [/code] [/hider]