[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/2rzyA1k.png[/img][color=crimson][h3]Space outside Annona Colony Docks[/h3][/color][/center][hr] [color=crimson]"Registering hits on target!"[/color] Galahad called out as the enemy interceptor whipped past him and into the maintenance tunnel, taking a half dozen 90mm shells and a score or two of 30mm rounds along with it. Debris from the interceptor showered him along with pieces of the colony wall as it tore past him and through the shaft. Moments later, there was a dull explosion, and a slight rocking noise, and camera feed appeared in the corner of one of his Tommy's viewscreens. The pinkish white explosion and flying chunks of some small, ancient aerospace craft. [color=crimson]"Target is down for the count, kill confirmed. We're RTB."[/color] Victor reported over the command-net comms, before switching to his own personal comms between himself and Ayame. [color=crimson]"A bit messier than I would've liked. We're not losing our edge are we?"[/color] he half joked as he watched a half dozen Tommy's as they flew towards the breach, rifles replaced with repair tools. A small grimace filtered over his face as defensive line pilots broke ranks and flew towards the gap with reckless abandon. Even given the seriousness of attack, it was almost rookie how quickly the troops began panicking. Galahad frowned, if this was a taste of what was to come, the Empire would need sterner stuff than that to see them through to safe waters. Though to be fair, if it had been Gibraltar, Galahad might've had a bit more desperation to his tone as well. [color=crimson]"There's not much else we can do here, and we can't exactly scoop up people without EVA suits of our own. Best we head back before we get in too much more trouble."[/color] Victor said to Ayame through their personal comms, before he spun his own Tommy around and began flying back towards the main dock where the Nyx, and the rest of the royal procession sat.