[hider=Journeys, Travelers, and the Lost (updated)] [b]Iternis[/b] [i](EE-ter-nis) (itɛɹnes) [/i] [b]Conceptual[/b] [b]Domain[/b] [u]Journeys[/u] A journey, in its most fundamental definition, is leaving one place for another. But by that definition, there must be something in between the start and the goal. While Iternis is not the beginning nor the end, his domain is all the liminal spaces that fill the inbetween. Road, mountain passes, and the vast ocean all are part of this domain in their capacity as mediums for journeys. The domain is fundamentally tied to those that make the step to leave their home or comfort zone for something more, be they man, beast, or any other being. By taking that step you welcome Iternis to hold some sway until the journey ends, if it ever ends. [b]Portfolio[/b] [u]Wanderers[/u] Not all who wander are lost. Some who wander are lost as shit. Adventurers, Travellers, Risk-takers, and self-seekers are all wanderer’s in their own way. While Wanderers know no guide, there is always a path they tread. Iternis shapes the path they tread and leads them on their journeys. Those who specifically forgo the goal and destination are most wholly within Iternis’s power and, under his guidance, have the largest potential for greatness. Any time that the wind blows you forward, anytime you hear the call of adventure, anytime you find yourself with nowhere to go and nowhere to return to, you are feeling the Song of Iternis beating against your soul, spurring you forward. [b]Realm[/b] The Endless Vale is a verdant land that holds endlessly tread paths and untamed wilderness the same. It takes the form of a beautiful valley, many thousands of miles wide and infinitely long. The Valley itself loops like a coil, wrapping around a massive tree, the Wagari Tree. The Wagari Tree stretches forever in both directions, its roots and branches forking out into enormous, identical crowns that sometimes scrape even other realms. Additionally, the souls of the lost and of great wanderers live out their eternity in the roots and branches of the Wagari Tree, assuming they escaped Thaa and were not imprisoned in Tartarus [b]Persona[/b] Iternis is incredibly invested in the lives of any and all that fall under his domain, caring deeply about them like prized toys or pets. He delights in helping people make their journeys and becomes overjoyed when people devote their lives to wandering. However, he also enjoys needlessly toying with and torturing those he feels he should with endless trials and obstacles on any journey they take. To other gods he is amiable and friendly. To people he is caring but fickle and sometimes cruel. However, he is also incredibly devoted to those who he feels are truly worthy of the title Wanderer, and to those few his love knows no bounds. [b]Base Form[/b] A cloud songbirds, of many different types, that carry a twig or sprig of plant in their beaks. Sometimes the twig may be on fire on one end but never burning up, shedding more light than a single lit twig should. The songbirds can sing in any sound any ear has ever heard. [b]Domain Form[/b] Within the realm of Ponsellia, Iternis appears as a plain looking traveler of any manner of gender, size, and appearance. Sometimes he appears as someone from the viewer's life, sometimes as someone who has never existed. However, he is always seen wearing a roughspun woolen cloak with simple cloth robes underneath and donned in a laurel made of many-colored feathers. The figure also always carries a large gnarled branch of the Wagari Tree as a staff with an iron lantern shining with light hanging from the end. [b]Avatar [/b] [u]Ms. Ellendale, the Untethered[/u] Synda Ellendale was, before she was Iternis’s avatar, merely a mortal. Never that tall or strong and certainly not pretty by and regard, Ms. Ellendale had no real standout qualities that would denote any hero or legendary adventurer. So she wasn’t a hero or legendary adventurer. Ms. Ellendale lived a simple, humble life, never striving for anything greater or leaving the home she knew. At the age of sixty-four, however, something in her changed. She, on her deathbed, looked back on her life and saw nothing of note. She hadn’t built anything that could stand forever, she hadn’t made any deep connection with herself or others, there would be no one to miss her when she was gone. As she lay dying, she felt nothing but disappointment. So, she promptly decided Dying wasn’t for her, grabbed her hat and cane and walked out the door. Ms. Ellendale just started walking, determined to experience everything she had foolishly ignored when she had been young, never once stopping on her endless journey. Soon, she caught Iternis’s attention and, over the many years of her wanderings, grew to be his favorite mortal to ever walk Galbar. He made her his Avatar. Iternis uses Ms. Ellendale to spread his influence and to reach new souls, but does not claim her as his own. To truly be his Avatar, she cannot belong to anyone but herself. [/hider]