Okay, guys, I have to do something about something. I did not expect that this game would generate so much interest, both from new players and from Twisted Alumni. I had originally intended for there to be six patients, six players, and me with Buck (and Jean as I needed her). Currently, I have two accepted patients. Pumirya has the immensely honorable designation of being the last active player on the old thread, and so has an irrevocable pass to play basically whatever character he wants. I'm just waiting on him to make a selection and get it posted. I trust he'll have it done in time for the opener. That means there are three spots still open as I'd originally intended the game. I have five players who have expressed interest in these places, and thus, a dilemma on my hands. (Curse you, Past Maiden.) I've spent a lot of time thinking about it, and I'm leaning towards allowing us to start with eight patients instead of six. I have reasons... long, rambling reasons... and if you want to read them, I'll post them. Otherwise, I'd just as soon save the time and get to the point. More players will mean more reading and more characters to keep track of for everyone involved. It can get a little confusing when all the patients are in one room. The only reason I've got left to keep my original character limit is that some of you might feel overwhelmed keeping up with such a large thread, especially since it is Advanced and many of the posts are longer. So, I need all the interested players to weigh in. Counting myself, and assuming that everyone submits a quality character sheet in the remaining time allowed, (March 21, when the IC starts!) that will be nine players instead of seven. So long as everyone else is okay with that... [center][img]http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i343/MadeByMaiden/LoLAllowIt_zps5fe39d43.gif[/img][/center] If you don't want to cast your vote here, you can PM it to me.