[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=AF2AFF]Zelda Flynn[/color][/b][/h3] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/c0c1a8c627f100b02b4a0322db1185f2/tumblr_n3wefw4UGM1ro8qtho2_250.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=AF2AFF]Location:[/color][/b] Compartment 13 [b][color=AF2AFF]Magic:[/color][/b] N/A [/center][hr] [color=AF2AFF]"Oh that would be hilarious. Could you imagine the look on Merula's face if we did that?"[/color] Zelda said with a laugh, giggling slightly at the picture that was now going through her head of that scene. It was hilarious to think about, and she couldn't really stop giggling until her cat decided to interrupt her giggling fit by tapping his paw against her hand, telling her that she needed to keep petting him, so of course she obliged, petting the cat, but still smiling slightly at the thought. [color=AF2AFF]"Of course, I'll owe you one Paige,"[/color] she said as Paige went to go get some treats from the trolley witch, though she rolled her eyes at Paige's cat who was clearly complaining. She just waited patiently for Paige to return with the treats, and she was still just sitting there petting Goose when the compartment door reopened allowing Paige to reenter and dump her load of treats. What she hadn't expected was Andre to be there right behind her, and she was a little surprised to see him. Goose saw Andre too, and instantly got up from her lap as the cat raced up to Andre and started rubbing up against him, clearly wanting to be petted. [color=AF2AFF]"Oh hey there Andre, how's it going? And not so sure about that one Andre, we'll have to see."[/color] she said, giving him a bit of a smile.