[quote=@SansTheMedic] [color=f7976a]"I see..."[/color] Carter said. So the chancellor overthrew the Jedi order and became the leader of an empire for two decades before being kicked out of power by these New Republic people. This brought to question the idea of 'what now?'. His loyalty did technically lie with the republic last he checked, but he fought directly underneath Palpatine. Not to mention his cover was a Couroscant guard soldier. Were these people his enemies or allies? He thought for a moment... His objectives were to keep Vehia's nature secret and to follow her orders... Well, that solves that dillema. Carter lowers his gun, stepping into a simple at-attention stance with safety on and barrel to the floor. [color=f7976a]"In that case, specialist CT 6871, codename Carter. I worked as part of the Corouscant guard until being tasked with acting the bodyguard for a high risk VIP named Vehia by the Jedi council. Speaking of which, where might the cryopod for her be located?"[/color] [/quote] [@SansTheMedic] “This is Hirog...I am present on the Alliance ship Maria as an envoy for Admiral Ackbar...those fools won’t suspect the brilliant cunning of the Glorious Hiromi Empire when I will abscond with the extremely dangerous and mysterious Sith artifact from the Imperial Storehouse...yes this plan is flawless. When we unlock the weapon the Emperor stored we will conquer the galaxy with it!” [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/9/9a/Hiromi2.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20171023020425] An Insectoid in a military beret[/url] speaking into a comm device spoke outside of the hallway. “Update me with your success first officer.” The device replied “All in the name of the glorious destiny of the Hiromi Empire Yaaay!” As the confrontation occurred the group were interrupted by the arrival of Hirog...froze suddenly at the sight of an Armed Jango Fett clone before a dark skinned young man with striking natural white hair and a woman with contrasting dyed green hair. “Oh boy….can someone explain to me what's happening here?” He meekly raised his exoskeletoned finger at the group looking at a sentient bearing a shotgun. “Oh good thing you’re here Hirog...on the topic of my payment...it's gonna be extra for this confrontation I just defused with the clone.” “What the hell is happening I DIDN’T ORDER YOU TO OPEN THE PODS!” “Blame Vice Admiral Aposematism here not me guy.” "Hey I was checking if it wasn't a bob or something you selfish bastard!" “Its good its not the main pod, now let me take it so I can take it to Admiral Ackbar.” [i]This was going just as planned YAAAAAAAAAAAAY![/i] “Ok just give me my money, gas isn’t cheap.” “Fine I’ll mail it to you in time. Now get the clone out.” “That's not how it works I want it upfront bug boy. I told the Admiral that I keep telling him this.” “I don’t have the time for this you credit pinching merc!” “I'M NOT A CHARITY HIROG!” “GET THE KRIFF OUT OF THE WAY AND LET ME DO MY JOB!”