[quote=@Guy of Z] “AHHHH PLEASE DON’T HURT ME!” The bugman began to shout incoherently as he began to hide behind the guards. “Why won’t you disarm him?!” “We don’t know what's in it. I don’t want to touch it in fact since the Emperor died I wanted to keep the various warlords fighting over the scraps from getting access to this or just...blowing it up? Is it a bioweapon? A new power armor? A monster? Because it looks like this monster’s pod we encountered a few years back called the Night Beast.” Earhen asked. [/quote] [color=f7976a]"It's just a woman sir."[/color] Carter says, concealing a smirk at the intense reaction from the bug as he flicks safety back on. [color=f7976a]"She was put under my protection and in cryo stasis to protect her from sepratists. She was a high ranking official of a small outer rim mining colony; if the seperatists killed her they'd be able to take control of the planet, so we kept her safe to ensure it didn't fall into their hands."[/color] This of course was completely untrue, and given a deep enough research into the fine details of the clone war it could be disproven that such a planet didn't exist, but his superiors made sure to give a believable enough cover that only VERY few would be able to do the detective work.